UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes

Issue 24: March-April 2003


International Waters
in Southern Africa

Sharing of water resources among basin countries is a major preoccupation for those responsible for managing international water systems. Planned water transfer schemes can result in dispute, both in environmental and security contexts. 

The first transboundary transfer of water occurred in Southern Africa, between Lesotho and South Africa. With a large disparity in availability of water between the relatively wet northern part of the region and the drier south, Southern Africa is one of the world’s most critical regions in terms of water management.

Mikiyasu Nakayama, editor of  International Waters in Southern Africa, was involved in the establishment of a basin-wide management scheme for the Zambezi river system where political complexities led to many difficulties in the development of the action plan.

In the region’s new political setting, all countries can now participate in discussions on an equal footing. This change may be interpreted as an opportunity for greater participation, or as the dangerous empowerment of self interest. International Waters in Southern Africa examines both the risks and opportunities for water management in this new political environment.  

Mikiyasu Nakayama is Associate Dean and Professor of the United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. Fellow contributors to this book are Piet Heyns, Carl Bruch, Meredith A. Giordano, Aaron T. Wolf, Kazimierz A. Salewicz, Anthony Turton, Peter Ashton, Munyaradzi Chenje, Abdullahi Elmi Mohamed, Richard Meissner, Zafar Adeel and Thomas Ballatore.



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