UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes

Issue 23: February 2003

An apartment building destroyed in
the 1994 Los Angeles earthquake

Videos show how cities
deal with disaster threats

Videos depicting different aspects of vulnerability to natural disasters in large urban centres are featured on a new UNU website. The videos are part of the UNU project on the Geography of Urban Social Vulnerability which emphasizes the social aspects of vulnerability in disaster planning and mitigation.

The films are set in Los Angeles, Manila, Mexico City and Mumbai, India and show the different ways these megacities respond to the threat and reality of natural disaster. The Geography of Vulnerability project, undertaken in cooperation with Japan's Environment Ministry under the umbrella of the Global Environment Information Centre, is UNU's response to the ongoing United Nations International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction.

The objective is to contribute to the better understanding of natural disaster risk and, consequently, improved disaster mitigation and management to save human, physical and financial resources.



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