UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes

Issue 23: February 2003

Inter-Linkages case studies
discussed at Tokyo forum

UNU Rector Hans van Ginkel addresses the opening session of the forum.

The results of 14 national and regional Inter-linkages case studies undertaken in South-East Asia and the Pacific in 2001-2 were presented at a public forum at UNU Centre in Tokyo January 21. 

The forum, organized by UNU and several national and regional partner organizations, highlighted two major themes of the Inter-linkages Initiative:

  • Countries and regions can share opportunities and experiences for improving environmental policies; and

  • Collaboration among various international, regional and national organizations is an important step toward the goal of good environmental governance.

Although the countries studied vary widely in geographical, socio-economic and environmental conditions and in their institutional arrangements, some issues common to South-East Asia and the Pacific were identified:

Capacity Development: The greatest barrier to effective implementation of MEAs is the lack of institutional, financial and human capacity. Capacity development not only improves the effectiveness of MEA implementation, but also the ability to prepare for and participate in regional and global negotiations.

Information policies: A country’s capacity to collate, coordinate, and disseminate information is central to enabling  agencies involved in MEA negotiation and implementation to collaborate in translating international obligations into national and local environmental agendas to receive political support and to make these agendas meaningful to the general public.

Regional support mechanisms: These must reflect the regional interest in promoting in-country capacity development and, at the same time, represent regional concerns in the global context.



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