UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes

Issue 22: January 2003

Forum to review environment
governance case studies

The results of national and regional case studies on environmental governance in Asia and the Pacific undertaken by UN University and its partners over the past two years will be presented at a public forum to be held at UNU Centre in Tokyo January 21.

The case studies cover Palau, Vanuatu, Cook Islands and Papua New Guinea in the Pacific and the 10 member countries of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) – Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam.

They examine aspects of the environmental governance process, including negotiations, strategic planning, legal frameworks, finance mechanisms, information management, consultation and coordination, capacity building, awareness raising and education, NGO participation, and various other institutional and organizational issues.

These studies are part of the UNU Inter-linkages Initiative, which seeks to identify strengths, gaps and challenges in the current system of environmental management. The initiative also aims to promote opportunities for effective and efficient implementation at national and regional levels of sustainable development instruments, particularly multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs).

The public forum, entitled Inter-linkages and Environmental Governance – National and Regional Strategies and Ways Forward in Asia and the Pacific, is being organised by UNU, ASEAN Secretariat, the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, the Institute of Strategic and International Studies, Malaysia, the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme and the United Nations Development Programme in Papua New Guinea.



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