UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes

Issue 21: November-December 2002

UNU/IAS hosts conference
on forest ecosystem services

UNU Institute for Advanced Studies (UNU/IAS) hosted Japan's first major international conference on the business potential of forest ecosystems at UNU Centre, Tokyo, November 5-6. Theme of the event, the fifth in a  series of conferences launched at Katoomba, Australia, in 2000, was Capturing the Value of Ecosystem Services: Developing Markets for Environmental Assets.

Katoomba V focused on new markets and opportunities related to carbon and the Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism, biodiversity, and ecosystem-based water management, as well as opportunities for socially responsible investment in ecosystem services enterprises.

Minoru Makihara

Katoomba V, which was organized by The Katoomba Group and Forest Trends, a US-based nonprofit organization, was attended by representatives of forestry and finance companies, environmental policy and research organizations, governmental agencies, and private and nonprofit groups.

Keynote speakers at the conference were Minoru Makihara, Chairman of Mitsubishi Corporation, and Phil Cottle, Partner, Re Agricultural Services.

Participants reviewed the latest concepts in developing markets for ecosystem services; examined international case studies on markets involving ecosystem assets and services; identified potential partners and investments associated with emerging markets for carbon, water management and biodiversity habitat; explored the risks to investors arising ecosystem degradation; and debated the future interplay of financial and environmental interests.



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