UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes

Issue 21: November-December 2002

Report released on conflict
resolution evaluation project

UNU Institute for Conflict Research has published a new report setting out the results of a pilot project to evaluate the effectiveness of conflict resolution interventions.

The report, The Evaluation of Conflict Resolution Interventions: Framing the State of Play, provides with information about current practices in the field and a framework through which to structure evaluation discussions.

The field of conflict resolution and peace-building has reached the point where the impact of projects needs to be measurable, comparable, and articulated. Many organisations want to develop lessons learned which require knowledge and evidence of success while funding agencies increasingly require a review of project achievements and outputs.

Evaluation theory specific to conflict resolution projects has not kept up with this demand, however, leaving the field without many viable options or models. This pilot project aimed to address those questions by:

  • Collecting evaluation models currently being used in this field and identify relevant approaches from related fields;
  • Summarising the academic literature specific to conflict resolution and peacebuilding evaluation;
  • Convening a working group to begin to explore and refine the key questions and challenges.




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