UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes

Issue 21: November-December 2002

Delegates peruse  publications on mountain
issues at the UNU booth during a break in
proceedings at the Bishkek summit

Mountain summit produces
sustainability blueprint 

The Bishkek Mountain Platform, one of the major outcomes of the Bishkek Global Mountain Summit, has been passed to the United Nations General Assembly to act as a framework for the future sustainable development of the world's mountain regions.

The summit, held in the capital of the mountainous central Asian state of Kyrgyz October 28-November 1, was the final event of UN International Year of Mountains 2002.

UN University was a member of the summit's International Advisory Board and Council of Patrons and a five-person UNU delegation, led by Rector Hans van Ginkel, was active throughout the event.

Some 600 participants from 60 countries attended the four-day summit, organised by the Kyrgyz government and UN Environment Programme in collaboration with various international organisations and governments including UNU, FAO, UNESCO, UNDP, GEF, Aga Khan Development Network, ADB, the Mountain Forum, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the governments of Switzerland, Germany and Italy.




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