UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes

Issue 21: November-December 2002

John Mugabe

No substitute for homegrown
scientific expertise – Mugabe

Africa must discard the notion that imported technology can replace homegrown scientific expertise, according to John Mugabe, executive secretary of the African Science and Technology Commission.

Delivering the annual lecture at UNU Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU/INRA), Dr. Mugabe said that the lack of indigenous skill in science and technology to convert Africa's natural resources into more valuable products carried a high social cost. Without science Africa could not benefit from the new generation of biotechnologies.

"There is nothing inherent in biotechnology that is going to make a difference for Africa," he said. "It depends on how the technology is harnessed and applied to food security problems."

He proposed that the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and UN University work together to build the scientific, political and consumer constituencies that will stimulate debate on research and development in  biotechnology.



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