UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes

Issue 20: October 2002

UNU Rector Hans van Ginkel addresses
the  World Summit on Sustainable 
Development in Johannesburg. 
Rector's Statement to WSSD

Hans Van Ginkel appointed to
second term as UNU Rector

Professor Hans van Ginkel has been appointed to a second five-year term as Rector of the United Nations University and UN Under Secretary-General. 

The reappointment, effective from September 1, was made by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan following consultations with Director-General Koichiro Matsuura of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and a recommendation by the Governing Council of the UNU.

Prof. van Ginkel was appointed as UNU’s fourth Rector in 1997. During his first term, UNU has broadened the reach of its ongoing projects and developed new initiatives within two broad programme areas: Peace and Governance and Environment and Sustainable Development. 

In the current (2002–2003) biennium, UNU is strengthening capacity development programmes and virtual university/online activities. It is also placing emphasis on initiatives in Africa, particularly natural resource management, food security, comparative regional integration studies and peace and security.      

Prof. van Ginkel, 62, is a national of the Netherlands. Before joining UNU he served for 11 years as Rector of Utrecht University.




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