UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes

Issue 19: September 2002

Initiative on science for
sustainability unveiled

The placement of more sustainable development-related scientific curricula into university programmes worldwide is the goal of a new UN University initiative to be announced at the World Summit on Sustainable Development.

Under the new programme, the Tokyo-based UNU Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU/IAS) will train  professors from developing countries in the science of sustainability.  The goal is to increase through this “train the trainers” initiative the level of sustainable development-related curricula available in developing country universities.

Entitled the Higher Education Fellowship Initiative on Science for Sustainability, the UNU/IAS programme helps respond to calls for a greater role for higher education in progressing towards sustainable development.

UNU's partners will be International Council for Scientific Union (ICSU), Third World Academy of Science (TWAS), World Federation of Engineering Organisations (WFEO), and Science Council of Asia (SCA).

More WSSD coverage:

UNU submits final report to WSSD

UNU announces new initiatives on Inter-linkages, mountains

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Comment: Strengthened international organisations required for World Summit success

Download the final UNU report to WSSD - PDF 690 KB
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