UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes

Issue 19: September 2002

Saskia Sassen

IAS research project leads to new
book on cities and globalization

Following research undertaken within the UNU Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU/IAS) Global Cities and Telematics project, University of Chicago sociologist Saskia Sassen and a group of distinguished contributors have expanded on her seminal work, The Global City, in the new book Global Networks, Linked Cities.

In The Global City, Sassen argued that certain cities in the post�industrial world have become central nodes in the new service economy, strategic sites for the acceleration of capital and information flows as well as spaces of increasing socio-economic polarization. One effect has been that such cities have gained in importance and power relative to nation-states.

In this new collection of essays, Sassen and other contributors focus on two key issues:

  • how information flows have bound global cities together in networks, creating a global city web whose constituent cities become "global" through the networks they participate in; and
  • how emerging global cities in the developing world � Sao Paulo, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Mexico City, Beirut, the Dubai�Iran corridor, and Buenos Aires � are not only replicating many features of the top tier of global cities but are also generating new socio-economic patterns as well.

Global Networks, Linked Cities is available from Routledge.


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