UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes

Issue 18: July-August 2002

UNU releases report on managing
sustainable development

UN University has released a key policy report entitled Improving the Management of Sustainable Development — Towards a New Strategic Framework for Large Developing Countries: China, India, and Indonesia

The report was presented to environment ministers attending the fourth Global Preparatory Meeting (PrepCom IV) for the World Summit on Sustainable Development. PrepCom IV, held in Bali in June, was the last stop on the road to the Johannesburg Summit which begins next month. 

The aim of the UNU report is to provide an overview of trends, established policies and new policy directions related to critical socio-economic and environmental issues identified in Agenda 21, focusing on three large developing countries – China, India and Indonesia. This report is one of the core outputs of the UNU Institute of Advanced Studies project on Sustainable Development Frameworks for Developing Countries carried out during the past five years in collaboration with leading scholars and institutions in those three countries.

The report covers both positive trends pointing towards greater sustainability and negative trends or issues in which progress has proved more elusive. It identifies policy gaps and trade-offs, suggests options for future policy directions, and examines the types of institutional and decision-making efforts that have been adopted in China, India, and Indonesia to improve their governance framework to meet the sustainable development challenge.

Policy makers involved in this project include Emil Salim, Chair of the Summit’s Preparatory Committee; Ir. Sarwono Kusumaatmadja, Minister for Marine Exploration, Indonesia; Yoginder K. Alagh, former Minister for Planning and Power, India; and Shang Yong, Director, Department of Policy, Legislation and Systems Reforms, Ministry of Science and Technology, China.

Click here to download the report in PDF format (830KB).


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