UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes

Issue 18: July-August 2002

INTECH issues new policy brief on
bio-pharmaceuticals and health

Download TPB in English - PDF 160KB
Download abstract in Spanish - 60KB
Download abstract in French - 60KB

The 1995 agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPs) is one of the issues covered in a new Technology Policy Brief on Bio-Pharmaceuticals and Health from UNU Institute for New Technologies (UNU/INTECH).

This is the third issue in INTECH's Technology Policy Brief (TPB) series and includes articles on:

  • Brazilian/American Dispute over Patents at the WTO.
  • Compulsory Licensing under India's Amended Patent Act.
  • Patents in Genomics and Bio-Pharmaceuticals.
  • Pharmaceutical Access and Research Incentives: Staying True to TRIPS?
  • Implications of the CBD for Health and Biopharma

Published in both print and electronic formats, the TPB series aims to be an information and analysis resource for policy-makers and others involved in policy debates in developing countries. The briefs provide an overview of issues in key problem areas, with analysis, information and guides to research on central topics in technology policy for development.

Upcoming issues this year will cover:

  • Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and the Internet.
  • Energy and Environment.
  • Transnational Corporations and Innovation

Issues of the TPB can be downloaded (in PDF) from the publications section of the INTECH web site. For more information, contact Monique Seuren.


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