UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes

Issue 17: June 2002

INCORE director briefs
Kosovo parliamentarians


Mari Fitzduff

The Director of UNU Institute for Conflict Resolution (UNU/INCORE), Mari Fitzduff, briefed a delegation of Kosovo Assembly parliamentarians on the institute's work during their visit to the Northern Ireland Assembly.

The delegates, including Assembly President Nexhat Daci, are representatives of Kosovo's first democratically elected government, the result of  a power sharing agreement between the leaders of the main ethnic Albanian parties. The agreement represents a significant move forward for democracy and provisional self-governance for Kosovo,  as agreed under United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244.

Prof. Fitzduff spoke to the delegates about the challenges faced by many governments around the world in dealing with diverse populations and fairly and inclusively managing pluralist societies. She also addressed the challenges faced by post-violent societies in managing their remaining conflicts and dealing with the legacies of the past.


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