UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes

Issue 15: March - April 2002

UNU releases new policy
brief on Inter-Linkages

The second in a series of UN University policy briefs on Inter-Linkages: Synergies and Coordination between Multilateral Environmental Agreements is now available. The report focuses on national and regional approaches in Asia and the Pacific.

UNU launched the Inter-Linkages initiative at an international conference in 1999, aiming to promote a more integrated approach to environmental management through synergies and better coordination among multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs).

At a follow-up informal Regional Consultation and Workshop in Kuala Lumpur in February 2001, the discussion was scaled down from the global to the regional and national levels, and aimed to identify lessons learned from experiences of holistic and integrated environmental management.

From April 2001 until early 2002, UNU conducted several national case studies in Asia and the Pacific in partnership with regional organizations. The studies aimed to identify challenges faced by national governments in implementing MEAs and weigh the pros and cons of an inter-linked approach to MEA implementation. 

The new policy brief reviews and elaborates upon the findings of the Kuala Lumpur workshop and national case studies, discusses the challenges of and opportunities for linking MEAs, and examines a series of issues related to institutional coordination and multi-stakeholder partnership and participation at the regional and national levels in Asia and the Pacific. 

Download the second policy brief: National and Regional Approaches in Asia and the Pacific (PDF 470KB)

Download the first policy brief:  Inter-linkages between the Ozone and Climate Change Conventions (PDF 420KB)


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