UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres/programmes

Issue 15: March - April 2002

New fellowship programme will
bring young researchers to Japan

Tei-ichi Sato

Promising young researchers will have the opportunity to work and study under the leadership of host researchers in Japanese universities and institutions under a new postdoctoral fellowship programme jointly organized by UN University and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). UNU Rector Hans van Ginkel and JSPS) Director General Tei-ichi Sato signed letters to inaugurate the JSPS-UNU Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme during a ceremony at UNU Centre, Tokyo, on February 27.

The focus of the programme will be on fields relevant to the research areas of UNU Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU/IAS) and UNU Centre. These include: biotechnology, biodiversity and sustainable development; science and technology pathways to development; information technology for the environment; ecosystems and socio-economic dimensions; urban ecosystems; multilateralism and the global ecosystems; peace and governance; and environment and sustainable development. 

The one- and two-year fellowships include a monthly maintenance allowance as well as a settling-in allowance and round-trip air ticket. Fellowship recipients must have a doctoral degree, received within six years prior to April 1 of the year in which the fellowship starts.

UNU/IAS is also offering ten-month Postdoctoral and PhD Fellowships for candidates who have completed a PhD degree or at the advanced stage of their doctoral dissertation in an area closely related to one of the following current thematic areas of the institute:

  • Policy Oriented Research on Biosafety, Genetic Resources, and Access and Benefit sharing;

  • Estimation of Global Sustainability Indices for Ecosystems Benchmarking; 

  • Urban Ecosystems (application of the human ecosystems approach for studying the urban environmental transition and related issues of vulnerability, environmental health and human well-being); 

  • Environmental Governance (studying inter-linkages among MEAs for policy effectiveness;

  • Disenfranchisement: Participation in Global Environmental Decision-making; 

  • Development of Curriculum and Modules for Delivery in a Virtual University;

  • Science & Technology Policy for Sustainable Development of Developing Countries

Completed applications for all fellowships must reach UNU/IAS by May 15. More information about the fellowships programme is available from UNU/IAS website.


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