UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres/programmes

Issue 15: March - April 2002


UNU/LA survey results show
terrorism is seen as main threat

Citizens of India and the United States, the world's most powerful and second most populous countries, believe that terrorism is the most pressing problem of our time, according to a new survey by UN University Leadership Academy (UNU/LA).


Report calls for integrated approach
to sustainable development

The 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg must signal a new and widespread appreciation of the need to approach sustainable development in a more comprehensive and integrated manner, says a new report from UN University.


New book examines democratic
transition in Latin America

The journey to meaningful democracy in Latin America is not complete, according to the authors of a new book from UNU Press. They argue that although the norm of democracy is becoming embedded in regional and national politics, the fundamental prerequisite of democracy –  the existence of a polity or "political society" – is still weak and under threat.

INTECH launches new
Technology Policy Brief series
UNU Institute for New Technology (UNU/INTECH) has released the first issue of a new Technology Policy  Brief (TPB) series that will provide an overview of issues in key problem areas, with analysis, information and guides to research on technology policy for development. 

Applications invited for
Akino internship grants

United Nations University (UNU) is inviting Japanese university graduates undertaking an internship in a UN system organization outside Japan to apply for a UNU-Akino Memorial Internship Grant.

UNU releases new policy
brief on Inter-Linkages
The second in a series of UN University policy briefs on Inter-Linkages: Synergies and Coordination between Multilateral Environmental Agreements is now available. The report focuses on national and regional approaches in Asia and the Pacific.


UNU hosts seminar on
historic Asian cities

Experts from 12 East Asian countries gathered at UNU Centre in Tokyo Febuary 21 to discuss how promote the sustainable development and re-creation of traditional culture, with an emphasis on the conservation and regeneration of historic landscapes and cities.

UNU/IAS launches sustainable
development roundtable

UNU/IAS has launched a roundtable discussion series which will serve as a focal point for international discussion and debate on the challenge of sustainable development. The first took place on March 18 when the subject was Biosecurity: Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing – The Bonn Guidelines on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS): The Way Forward.


WIDER calls for papers on Poverty,
International Migration and Asylum
UNU World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU/WIDER) is calling for papers for presentation at its conference on Poverty, International Migration and Asylum, scheduled for Helsinki, September 27-28. The conference will focus on the economic consequences of immigration and issues associated with asylum migration.


INTECH to host conference on
technology in developing countries
The differing experiences of developing countries in reaching their current state of technological development will be examined during the fourth conference on Innovation, Learning and Technological Dynamism of Developing Countries to be hosted by UNU Institute for New Technologies (UNU/INTECH) in Maastricht May 15.


New fellowship programme will
bring young researchers to Japan

Promising young researchers will have the opportunity to work and study under the leadership of host researchers in Japanese universities and institutions under a new postdoctoral fellowship programme jointly organized by UN University and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). 

Calendar of events and meetings for 2002

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