UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes

Issue 14: February 2002

EU-UNU Global Forum discusses
Governance Across Borders

Michel Barnier

Gareth Evans

United Nations University (UNU) and the Delegation of the European Commission in Japan co-hosted the the second annual EU-UNU Tokyo Global Forum January 24-25. The topic of this year’s conference was Governance Across Borders: National, Regional and Global.

World standards for good governance are democracy, tolerance, and pluralism, ensuring full and fair participation of citizens in governmental decision-making and full protection of human and minority rights. However, there is growing criticism that more and more of the decisions affecting our lives are being moved out of the national realm into organisations that do not appear to meet the same standards of transparency, accountability and fair representation.

These international forms of governance and related issues were discussed at the conference by panels of international speakers, including Gareth Evans (president, International Crisis Group), Keizo Takemi (Member of the Japanese Diet), Richard Goldstone (Judge, Constitutional Court of South Africa) and Emma Bonino (member of the European Parliament). The keynote address was delivered by Michel Barnier, European Commissioner for Regional Policy and Inter-governmental Conference. 


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