UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes

Issue 13: December 2001

Entries invited for 18th
Eisaku Sato Essay Contest

The Eisaku Sato Memorial Foundation for Cooperation with the United Nations University is now accepting entries for its annual international essay contest. This year's theme is “The role of the United Nations and United Nations University in promoting education.”

Education is fundamental to addressing global issues such as peace and conflict resolution, sustainable development, poverty and human rights. Contestants should address the specific question of: “What role is expected of the United Nations and the United Nations University in promoting education in order to solve problems in these fields?”

Eisaku Sato

The Eisaku Sato Memorial Foundation for Cooperation with the United Nations University was established by the late Mr. Eisaku Sato, former Prime Minister of Japan, with the monetary award he received with his 1974 Nobel Peace Prize. The Foundation, which devotes its activities to providing support for the development of the United Nations University, has been holding this annual essay contest since 1983.

The contest is open to all. Essays may be in English (3,000 to 6,000 words) or Japanese (8,000 to 16,000 characters). English essays should be typed on A4-size paper and include an abstract of up to 450 words. Japanese essays should be accompanied by an abstract of up to 1,200 characters. All entries must include a cover sheet listing the contributor’s name, affiliation, age, gender, nationality, address and telephone/fax numbers. First prize is ¥500,000, there are two second prizes of ¥200,000 and several honorable mentions of ¥50,000.

Deadline is January 31, 2002. Essays should be submitted to: The Eisaku Sato Memorial Foundation for Cooperation with the United Nations University, 3-16-9, Hiroo, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0012, Japan. Tel./fax: 03-3409-0707; satofoundation@aol.com.


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