UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes

Issue 13: December 2001

Applications open for 2002
UNU International Courses

United Nations University is now accepting applications for the third regular session of the UNU/International Courses (UNU/IC), to be held at the UNU Centre in Tokyo May 20 to June 28 next year. The four courses to be offered are:

  • Armed Conflict and Peacekeeping;

  • Environment and Sustainable Development;

  • Human Rights: Concepts and Issues; and

  • International Cooperation and Development.  

The UNU/IC programme is designed for postgraduate students and young professionals (with a college or university degree) who wish to pursue careers in international fields. The courses, which will be taught in English, are designed to give students a deeper understanding of selected global issues as well as help them to sharpen their analytical and problem-solving skills and develop specific research skills. Each course is taught by a team of lecturers comprising UNU academic staff and external experts from academia, the UN system and other internationally oriented organizations.

The UNU/IC brochure and application form are available from the UNU website at http://archive.unu.edu/ic/. Deadline for applications is January 15, 2002. For more information, please contact Wilma James, Training Assistant, UNU Centre.


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