UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes

Issue 13: December 2001

UNU releases framework to promote
Dialogue of Civilizations

Following five workshops and two international conferences in the past year, the UNU has developed a four-part framework for action to promote the Dialogue of Civilizations. 

Based on the conviction that dialogue of civilizations can and should be developed into a new paradigm for international relations, the framework outlines the basic characteristics of a meaningful dialogue and what different actors at different levels of governance can do to foster those qualities. 

The paper says the Dialogue of Civilizations has great potential to help prevent conflicts – on the international, national and local levels – by reducing misunderstandings and mistrust, and by laying the foundation for a non-violent resolution of controversies. It also has enormous potential to solve current and future economic, social and political problems by sharing experiences and through joint implementation of remedies.

UNU, in co-operation with UNESCO, took the initiative in response to the Nov. 1998 proclamation of 2001 as the United Nations Year of Dialogue among Civilizations, intended to increase mutual understanding and tolerance among peoples of different cultural backgrounds through an active exchange of ideas, visions and aspirations.

Download the PDF document Framework for Action to Promote the Dialogue of Civilizations


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