UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes


Issue 12: October - November 2001

New books from UNU Press
  • UN Peacekeeping Operations - Ramesh Thakur, Albrecht Schnabel (UNU)
    The failure of UN Peacekeeping operations, the authors aruge, is symbolic of “the UN’s failure to emerge from the ashes of the Cold War as a rejuvenated player in international and, increasingly, internal peace and security”.
  • Conflict Prevention -David Carment (Carleton U, Ottawa, Albrecht Schnabel, UNU)
    Evaluates institutional record on conflict prevention; calls for a decentralized early warning system based on NGO activities and dedicated early warning and informational systems within international organizations.
  • Power in Transition - Charles Kupchan (Georgetown U. and U.S. Council on Foreign Relations), Emanuel Adler (Hebrew U, Israel), Jean-Marc Coicaud (UNU, on leave: U.S. Institute for Peace), Yuen Foong Khong (Oxford U)
    How to prepare for “the waning of American hegemony and the resultant geopolitical consequences.”
  • Globalization and the Sustainability of Cities in the Asia Pacific Region
    This study offers recommendations on achieving sustainable urban development with focus on Tokyo, Seoul, Taipei, Hong Kong, Singapore, Shanghai, Jabotabek, Bangkok, Sydney and Vancouver.


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