UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its network of research and training centres and programmes

Issue 11: September 2001


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The latest papers in the UNU/WIDER Discussion Paper series include research from the projects Globalisation and the Obstacles to the Successful Integration of Small Vulnerable Economies and from Why Some Countries Avoid Conflicts while Others Fail.

  • DP 2001/43 Jeffrey Herbst: The Politics of Revenue Sharing in Resource-Dependent States
  • DP 2001/42 Indra de Soysa: Paradise is a Bazaar? Greed, Creed, Grievance and Governance
  • DP 2001/41 Rukmani Gounder and V. Xayavong: Globalization and the Island Economies of the South Pacific
  • DP 2001/40 Nick J. Freeman: The Challenges Posed by Globalization for Economic Liberalization in Two Asian Transitional Countries: Laos and Vietnam
  • DP 2001/39 Jörg Mayer: Globalization, Technology Transfer, and Skill Accumulation in Low-Income Countries
  • DP 2001/38 Guy Mhone and Patrick Bond: Botswana and Zimbabwe: Relative Success and Comparative Failure
  • DP 2001/37 Deborah Bräutigam and Michael Woolcock: Small States in a Global Economy: The Role of Institutions in Managing Vulnerability and Opportunity in Small Developing Countries
  • DP 2001/36 Rolf J. Langhammer and Matthias Lücke: WTO Negotiation and Accession Issues for Vulnerable Economies
  • DP 2001/35 Suthiphand Chirathivat and S. Mansoob Murshed: Globalization and Openness: Lessons from the Recent Crisis in Southeast Asia
  • DP 2001/34 Gover Barja and Miguel Urquiola: Capitalization, Regulation and the Poor: Access to Basic Services in Bolivia
  • DP 2001/33 Daniel A. Benitez, Omar O. Chisari and Antonio Estache: Can the Gains from Argentina's Utilities Reform Offset Credit Shocks?
  • DP 2001/32 Niels Hermes and Robert Lensink: Fiscal Policy and Private Investment in Less Developed Countries
  • DP 2001/31 Manuel R. Agosin: Global Integration and Growth in Honduras and Nicaragua
  • DP 2001/30 Samarth Vaidya: AnalyzingCorruption Possibilities in the Gaze of the Media
  • DP 2001/29 Tony Addison and Aminur Rahman: Why is so Little Spent on Educating the Poor?
  • DP 2001/28 Anders Danielson: Economic and Institutional Reforms in French-speaking West Africa Impact on Efficiency and Growth
  • DP 2001/27 Stephen C. Smith: Blooming Together or Wilting Alone? Network Externalities and Mondragón and La Lega  Co-operative Networks
  • DP 2001/26 Halvor Mehlum, Karl Ove Moene and Ragnar Torvik: The Market for Extortions
  • DP 2001/25 James C. Sesil, Douglas L. Kruse and Joseph R. Blasi: Sharing Ownership via Employee Stock Ownership
  • DP 2001/24 Laixiang Sun: Economics of China's Joint-Stock Co-operatives 


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