UNU Update

The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes



Issue 11: September   2001



Commentary by UNU Vice Rector
Ramesh Thakur 

  The United
    Nations in

  We need
    more clean
    water for
    health and



Experts gather to discuss sustainable 
development inter-linkages Sept. 3-4

Maurice Strong

Sustainable development experts, policy makers and academics will gather in Tokyo September 3 to discuss new strategies for sustainable development, focusing on the inter-linkages among multilateral environmental agreements and links between globalization and sustainable development. Keynote speaker will be Maurice Strong, senior advisor to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and Secretary-General of the Earth Summit.

Conference will examine role of international
law in promoting peace, justice
Calendar of events and meetings
INWEH launches project to measure
pesticides in Lake Victoria
CNN International airs new series of UNU ads 
Book probes impact of initial conditions on transition economies
Opportunities for interships, financial support
New discussion papers on development economics
Gaza Strip coastal pollution takes health toll – INWEH report
WIDER debt conference attracts world media attention

Copyright © 2001 United Nations University. All rights reserved.
Revised: January 19, 2004