UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its international network of affiliated institutes

Issue 10: July-August 2001


What's new
on the Web:
recent postings
on UNU sites


The UNU Institute for New Technologies (UNU/INTECH) library catalogue is now available on the web. The library's holdings are specialized in the field of science, technology and innovation issues with particular attention to publications and papers on developing countries.

The catalogue can be found under the main Library page on the INTECH website, where a link in the right menu called "Library Catalogue" will take you to the search screen. Simple and advanced search are available along with a help option for assistance with exact subject terms, author, organization, and so on.

UNU/INTECH also offers a worldwide interlibrary loan service provided the counterpart library is also a participant in the IFLA Voucher Scheme. For further information contact Ad Notten, Librarian, UNU/INTECH.

Recent postings to the UNU/INTECH website include:


Several new discussion papers are now available on the UNU/WIDER website.

  • Displaced Communities and the Reconstruction of Livelihoods in Eritrea – Gaim Kibreab
  • From Humanitarian Assistance to Poverty Reduction in Angola – Mário Adauta de Sousa, Tony Addison, Björn Ekman and Åsa Stenman
  • Changes in Poverty Profile in China – Li Shi
  • The Software Industry and India's Economic Development – Ashish Arora and Suma Athreye
  • Redistributive Impact of Privatization and the Regulation of Utilities in Chile – Ricardo Paredes M.
  • Reconstruction from War in Africa: Communities, Entrepreneurs, and States – Tony Addison
  • The Social Impact of Privatization and the Regulation of Utilities in Peru – Máximo Torero and Alberto Pascó-Font
  • From Conflict to Reconstruction – Tony Addison
  • Access to Utilities by the Poor – Kristin Komives, Dale Whittington and Xun Wu
  • The Agrarian Question in Mozambique's Transition and Reconstruction – Marc Wuyts
  • The Reform of the Utilities Sector in Spain – Pablo Arocena
  • Overcoming the Fiscal Crisis of the African State – Tony Addison and Léonce Ndikumana
  • Cross-country Diffusion of the Internet  – Sampsa Kiiski and Matti Pohjola

Papers from WIDER Development Conference on Growth and Poverty are all available at: http://www.wider.unu.edu/conference/conference-2001-1/conference1.htm


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