UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its international network of affiliated institutes

Issue 10: July-August 2001


to play key
role in UN's
Centre for
An Internet-based "Virtual Learning Center for Water," providing distance learning opportunities and information on best water management practices for developing countries, is the goal of a new United Nations project in which the U.N. University's Canadian-based International Network on Water, Environment and Health will play a leading role.

UNU/INWEH will join with the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) on the project.  DESA will provide UNU/INWEH with CDN$1.2 million (US $720,000) over 18 months to design and develop a year-long (250 hour) training curriculum on Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM), together with the supporting information technology system.

The curriculum will be disseminated through a global electronic network of regional and national training institutions, the first components of which will be established in Africa and the South Pacific.  The programme will be aimed at practicing professionals in the water sector wishing to upgrade their knowledge of modern water management concepts and practices.  Once in place, the core curriculum will be customized to regional needs.

The long-term goal is a "tiered" course structure that includes the core curriculum (with custom elements for each region); a subset and rearrangement of the core curriculum to give "short courses" (3-5 days) for non-water professionals; and a series of advanced courses for water specialists.

Implementation will begin with a global survey of training programmes in IWRM, followed by curriculum planning workshops.  Focus groups will then help create content for each of the 10 courses, aided by a "resource databank" containing copyright-free materials, public domain images, graphics, documents and databases.  Course materials will be electronically transcribed and placed on the WVLC website and CD-ROMs.  The regional training network will provide "train-the-trainer" courses and promote self-paced distance learning.  UNU diplomas will be given, with an on-line examination system provided for remote students.

For more information:

McMaster U., JHE Bldg., #A416.; 1280 Main St. W.,  Hamilton ON CANADA L8S 4K1
905-525-9140 ext. 24517
Website: http://www.inweh.unu.edu/
E-mail: contact@inweh.unu.edu
Dr. Ralph Daley, Director


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