The newsletter of United Nations University and its international 
network of research and training centres/programmes



Issues 21-30: Nov. 2003 – Apr. 2004

21. Nov.-Dec. 2002
25. May-June 2003
22. January 2003
26. July-August 2003
29. January-February 2004
23. February 2003
27. September-October 2003
30. March-April 2004
24. March-April 2003
28. November-December 2003

Issue 30: March-April 2004

  1. Need to regulate Antarctic bioprospecting – report
  2. INRA launches Internet guide to assist African scientists
  3. UNU research centre moving to Yokohama
  4. Two books, two looks at African regionalism
  5. End Catch 22 on indigenous knowledge, report urges
  6. UNU, Costa Rica join forces in biotech capacity building
  7. Regions may hold key to global security concerns
  8. New books on Asian security, environmental governance
  9. WIDER to launch inequality studies at two US events
  10. INCORE announces three Summer School courses
  11. Leading Transition course scheduled for May 28
  12. African nutrition leadership seminars set for October
  13. INTECH hosts workshops for ACP policymakers
  14. Money talks loudest in battle to save biodiversity
  15. Speakers address challenge of building peace after war
  16. Experts debate human rights and globalization
  17. UNU-CRIS steps up training activities
  18. Comment
    - Stop exploitation of indigenous knowledge
    - Hope for peace between India and Pakistan
    - How the Iraq war harmed the UN

Issue 29: January-February 2004

  1. Graduates of Internet water course to get first ever UNU diploma
  2. Itaru Yasui appointed to head environment programme
  3. New Bonn programme ready to begin work
  4. UNU designing project to protect Pamir-Alai mountains
  5. New video gives overview of UNU structure, projects
  6. Bid to strengthen FNP activities in Latin America
  7. New book focuses on problems of South Asia
  8. Calculating the cost of war and peace
  9. Applications open for 2004 International Courses
  10. Experts to discuss coastal pollution, aquaculture
  11. Protecting war's youngest victims
  12. Leader of Green Revolution to lecture at INTECH
  13. Vappu Taipale to chair UNU Council
  14. Inter-linkages model 'best hope for better environment"
  15. UNU signs agreement with Aoyama Gakuin University
  16. Two UNU side events at World Information Summit
  17. Comment:
    - Kyoto pact down but not out
    - Democracy vs. GDP growth
    - Is Japan to mainland Asia what Britain is to Europe?

Issue 28: November-December 2003 

  1. UNU to help launch African exchange centre in Tokyo
  2. New product could help ease Zambia's agricultural shortfall
  3. Promoting human security still key goal, says Rector
  4. INTECH investigating biotechnology partnerships
  5. UNU-CRIS releases participation toolkit
  6. UNU launches new courses on strategy and defence
  7. WIDER launches studies on post-conflict reconstruction
  8. New book on environmental governance in East Asia
  9. Global labour standards topic for WIDER annual lecture
  10. Conference on regional integration and public goods
  11. New forest strategies for countries in transition
  12. Focus on inter-linkages research at NY briefing
  13. UNU to host forum on health and development
  14. UNU projects cited in Secretary-General's annual report
  15. Role of IT in water management key topic at UNU symposium
  16. Comment
    - Anti-nuke regime crumbling
    - World needs a successful South Africa

Issue 27: September-October 2003

  1. Report urges new measures on gender and poverty
  2. Hunger in Africa must be top priority – Carter
  3. New books from UNU Press
    - Agrodiversity Learning from Farmers Across the World
    - Agricultural Biodiversity in Smallholders Farms of East Africa
    - Asia and Africa in the Global Economy
    - Perspectives on Growth and Poverty
  4. Ramesh Thakur named Senior Vice Rector
  5. UNU Press releases promotional video
  6. UNU to showcase African initiatives at Tokyo Event
  7. Inter-linkages focusing on implementation, partnerships
  8. Nutrition-infection link focus of capacity building project
  9. Remake globalization to benefit everyone – Ramos
  10. UNU stages 'virtual water' workshop at Stockholm event
  11. Mohamed H. A. Hassan joins board of UNU-INRA
  12. Comment
    - A genomics network for Latin America
    - Time to redefine 'just war'
    - Choosing human security

Issue 26: July-August 2003

  1. INTECH innovation project creates spin-offs worldwide
  2. Grant marks coming of age for UNU-INWEH
  3. New books from UNU Press
  4. INTECH launches global study of wine industry
  5. Applications open for Akino research fellowships
  6. Wanted: Globalization that benefits everyone
  7. Conference to study forces shaping Information Society
  8. Essay contest to mark Year of Freshwater
  9. EuroNews to profile UN University
  10. South must be part of hydrogen future – Mytelka
  11. Accident is N. Korea's nuclear threat – UNU expert
  12. Throwing out rule book not enough – Thakur
  13. UNU forges link with Japanese high school
  14. More refugees turning to human smugglers – report
  15. Academic freedom more important than ever – Rector
  16. WIDER study debunks 'fairy tale' of SME boom
  17. UNU Press book wins ALA award
  18. First Seoul seminar puts N.E. Asia in spotlight
  19. Comment: 
    - U.S. considers UN approval of force optional
    - Politics of human migrations
    - It's time to build a technology culture

Issue 25: May-June 2003

  1. Ubuntu Group holds first working session
  2. INRA director to chair ICRISAT governing body
  3. Small enterprises 'can't do it all' in economic transition
  4. Shunji Yanai appointed adviser to UNU Rector
  5. Water expert brings global projects to UNU-INWEH
  6. New e-working paper series on regional integration
  7. UNU to host roundtable on biotechnology and bioethics
  8. WIDER conference seeks ways to share the wealth
  9. New publications from UNU Press:
    - The Globalization of Human Rights
    - Regionalism, Multilateralism and Economic Integration
    - From Civil Strife to Civil Society
    - Enhancing Global Governance: Towards a New Diplomacy
    - Democratization in the Middle East
  10. DNA anniversary celebration mixes science and art
  11. More public input sought in watershed management
  12. High-tech media studio opens at UNU Centre\
  13. UNU-GTP celebrates 25th anniversary
  14. Comment
    - Let's decide what kind of world we want
    - World security jeopardized by ongoing nuclear testing

Issue 24: March-April 2003

  1. UNU to play key role at World Water Forum
  2. New Global Virtual University is online
  3. Ghana tissue lab receives major grant
  4. INCORE adds mediation guide to data service
  5. Bursaries available for regional integration doctoral programme
  6. Famed scientist to lecture at UNU Centre
  7. The secret of Botswana's success
  8. Conference on regional integration and public goods
  9. Sudden death of IIST director
  10. Workshop launches South African learning cooperative
  11. IIST academic wins top Chinese award
  12. New titles from UNU Press
    - States Markets and Just Growth
    - From Civil Strife to Civil Society
    - Mangrove Management and Conservation
    - International Waters in Southern Africa
  13. Publisher hits the road with book exhibit
  14. New book analyses innovation policies
  15. Brussels launch for book on reforming Africa's institutions
  16. Comment
    - A Glass Half Empty
    - Migrants - Millions on the move

Issue 23: February 2003

  1. New GLEAM initiative lights up UNU symposium
  2. Videos show how cities deal with disaster threats
  3. Microchip has macro impact on environment – new study
  4. Rocky road to democracy in the Middle East
  5. ASEAN countries to meet for Inter-Linkages workshop
  6. FNP to lead global review of dietary standards
  7. IAS to host indigenous peoples' IPR initiative
  8. WIDER conference to highlight advances in poverty research
  9. Radical changes needed for sustainable peace – Meyer
  10. Inter-Linkages case studies discussed at Tokyo forum
  11. Comment: Children in turmoil – a modern predicament?
  12. Comment: Coping with a grayer world

Issue 22: January 2003

  1. UNU joins committee organizing Information Technology Summit
  2. Advisory group helps WFP to monitor food donations
  3. PLECserv provides information on land management, conservation
  4. New book takes a close look at conflict prevention
  5. Nutrition capacity development project shifts into high gear
  6. Chiyuki Aoi appointed academic programme officer
  7. Symposium to assess fate of arsenic in the environment
  8. Children in turmoil focus of Tokyo forum
  9. Forum to review environmental governance case studies
  10. Tech firms need capital at start-up - conference
  11. Conference calls for headwaters management commission
  12. The responsibility to protect discussed at UNU seminar
  13. Comment: Bridging the North-South gap

Issue 21: November-December 2002

  1. Have African reforms made for better government?
  2. Report leads to environmental study in Papua New Guinea
  3. Natural products scientists create West African network
  4. Sustainable Global Futures summary report released
  5. Book analyses government role in promoting innovation
  6. Report released on conflict resolution evaluation project
  7. Conference on inequality, poverty and human well-being
  8. Symposium turns spotlight on hydrogen energy future
  9. No substitute for homegrown scientific expertise – Mugabe
  10. Forest ecosystem opportunities focus of Katoomba V meeting
  11. Need for new ideas on managing genetic resources
  12. Mountain summit produces sustainability blueprint
  13. Comment: The peril of pre-emptive thinking

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