The newsletter of United Nations University and its international 
network of research and training centres/programmes



Issues 1-20: April 2000-October 2002

 1. April-June 2000
 5. Nov. Dec. 2000
 9. June 2001
13. December 2001
17. June 2002
 2. July-August 2000
 6. January 2001
10. July-August 2001
14. February 2002
18. July-August 2002
 3. September 2000
 7. Feb.-March 2001
11. September 2001
15. March-April 2002
19. September 2002
 4. October 2000
 8. April-May 2001
12. Oct.-Nov. 2001
16. May 2002
20. October 2002

Issue 20: October 2002

  1. Hans van Ginkel appointed to second term as UNU Rector
  2. Norway backs web-based education initiative
  3. Book investigates diverse sources of new diplomacy
  4. Increase and stabilise capital flows to protect poor – report
  5. Leadership Academy appoints new interim Director
  6. UNU to play key role at Global Mountain Summit
  7. Achieving Millennium Development goals focus of public forum
  8. UNU to host seminar in youth culture in Japan
  9. Leadership course participants attend Johannesburg Summit
  10. Evaluation of conflict resolution projects completed
  11. Campaign to put sustainable development in classrooms


Issue 19: September 2002

  1. UNU submits final report to Johannesburg Summit
  2. UNU announces partnership projects in MEA inter-linkages, mountains
  3. Initiative on science for sustainability unveiled
  4. Slow progress on sustainable development linked to different approaches
  5. Comment: Strengthened organisations needed for Summit success
  6. INCORE director pens book on Northern Ireland peace process
  7. IAS research leads to new book on cities and globalization
  8. Headwaters symposium first contribution to International Year of Freshwater 2003
  9. Famed wheat researcher to deliver U Thant lecture
  10. Comment: Diplomacy's odd couple, the U.S. and UN
  11. New UNU ads broadcast on CNN International
  12. Innovation in Asia topic for INTECH annual lecture

Issue 18: July-August 2002

  1. Panel calls for population to be included on Johannesburg agenda
  2. UNU submits seven-point action plan to G8 Summit
  3. Symposium marks start of new forestry initiative
  4. Project to monitor POPs in East Asian coastal areas
  5. New policy brief on bio-pharmaceuticals and health
  6. Trade and environment analysis revised in wake of Seattle fiasco
  7. Applications open for Akino research fellowships
  8. New book examines governance needs of globalized economy
  9. UN flag raised to inaugurate new INWEH headquarters
  10. UNU releases report on managing sustainable development
  11. Experts gather to discuss peace and environment in Central Asia
  12. Winners and losers in two centuries of globalization
  13. Meeting will focus on growing threat to coastal environment
  14. Hokkaido seminar to focus on media and information
  15. UNU to host seminar on Johannesburg Summit
  16. Conference on spatial inequality in Latin America
  17. Comment: Let's get together against terrorism

Issue 17: June 2002

  1. Clinton makes speech on globalization at UNU Centre
  2. Bonn training centre to begin operations in 2003
  3. New project on role of women, children in post-conflict societies
  4. New book evaluates UN peacekeeping performance
  5. INCORE director briefs Kosovo parliamentarians
  6. Conflict resolution theme for Shimane session of seminar series
  7. Global course on leadership for environment and human security
  8. Scientific cooperation in Latin America is lecture theme
  9. Comment: Unilateralism is not the way

Issue 16: May 2002

  1. Revamp system of dealing with global problems – report
  2. More research needed on crop yield says new INTECH study
  3. UNU/LA staff prepare for move to new building
  4. Disarmament impasse about politics not guns, says INCORE report
  5. Kirin fellowship programme extended five years
  6. New web sites launched on climate, arsenic projects
  7. INCORE staff attend conflict resolution workshop in Nigeria
  8. Rector co-chairs roundtable on education and development
  9. Experts discuss agrochemical link with coastal EDC pollution
  10. Farming and biodiversity focus of fourth PLEC annual meeting
  11. Cross border movement of people topic of Shonan Global Seminar
  12. New book proposes antidote for humanitarian emergencies
  13. Kyoto Protocol focus of second IAS roundtable
  14. Comment: The role of nuclear weapons is deterrence

Issue 15: March-April 2002

  1. UNU/LA survey results show terrorism is seen as main threat
  2. Report calls for integrated approach to sustainable development
  3. New book examines democratic transition in Latin America
  4. INTECH launches new technology policy brief series
  5. Applications invited for Akino internship grants
  6. UNU releases new policy brief on inter-linkages
  7. UNU hosts seminar on historic Asian cities
  8. UNU/IAS launches sustainable development roundtable
  9. WIDER calls for papers on poverty, international migration and asylum
  10. INTECH to host conference on technology in developing countries
  11. New fellowship programme will bring young researchers to Japan

Issue 14: February 2002

  1. UNU moving ahead with plans for wetlands research initiative
  2. War, exploitation and pollution threaten mountain ecosystems, says UNU expert
  3. New UNU programme opens in Belgium
  4. INWEH leads project to reduce blue baby syndrome in Syria
  5. INCORE head appointed to council of Carter Center
  6. New book analyses negotiations that lead to environmental agreements
  7. EU-UNU forum discusses governance across borders
  8. UNU submits report to Johannesburg summit Asian PrepCom
  9. Conference to discuss technology in the developing world
  10. INCORE summer school scheduled for June 10-15

Issue 13: December 2001

  1. UNU releases framework to promote Dialogue of Civilizations
  2. WIDER book aims to energize debate on post-Soviet economic transition
  3. UNU/INWEH enters major agreement to help address Mideast water crisis
  4. Applications open for 2002 International Courses
  5. Entries invited to Sato essay contest
  6. New book puts case for integration of environment and development issues
  7. Africa needs indigenous capacity in science and technology, says INRA lecturer
  8. UNU scheduled three events for start of International Year of Mountains
  9. UNU to host Euro-Japan sustainability seminar
  10. Former High Commission for Refugees to give lecture at UNU
  11. Council to discuss major expansion of UNU system
  12. Course on conservation of mangrove ecosystems
  13. Climate Affairs Programme to hold workshop in Malaysia

Issue 12: October-November 2001

  1. Call for balance in response to terrorist attacks
  2. Researchers rank relative threats from environmental problems
  3. UNAIDS chief gives lecture on AIDS and human security
  4. UNU to host conference on peacekeeping reform
  5. Frances Stewart to give 2001 WIDER lecture
  6. UNU/INWEH to co-organize conference on shared waters
  7. President Mbeki delivers U Thant lecture
  8. UNU to host international water systems workshop
  9. Seminar to focus on next stage of climate change negotiations
  10. Symposium to explore zero emissions economy
  11. New books from UNU Press
  12. What's new on the Web


Issue 11: September 2001

  1. Experts gather to discuss sustainable development inter-linkages
  2. Conference will examine role of international law in promoting peace, justice
  3. INWEH launches project to measure pesticides in Lake Victoria
  4. CNN International airs new series of UNU ads
  5. Book probes impact of initial conditions on transition economies
  6. Opportunities for internship positions, financial support
  7. New discussion papers on development economics
  8. Gaza Strip coastal pollution takes health toll, says INWEH report
  9. WIDER debt conference attracts world media attention
  10. OPINION: UN Racism Conference; Water for Peace

Issue 10: July-August 2001

  1. Conference will analyse ways to create meaningful cross-cultural dialogue
  2. Bill Clinton visits INCORE, pledges support for conflict resolution
  3. New project to study environmental impact of information technology
  4. UNU/INWEH to play key role in UN's "Virtual Learning Centre for Water"
  5. UNU/WIDER conference on debt reduction set for Helsinki August 17-18
  6. Library Journal honours UNU book on Kosovo crisis
  7. What's new on the Web
  8. Bangladesh meeting calls for UNGA special session on arsenic crisis
  9. Opinion: commentaries by UNU Vice Rector Ramesh Thakur

Issue 9: June 2001

  1. UNU hosts seminar on global governance and institutional reform
  2. New book examines options for WTO reform
  3. Nigerian president speaks at Africa Day symposium
  4. UNU Centre awarded ISO 14001 certification
  5. Vice rector speaks out on US missile strategy
  6. Eminent Africans back campaign to revitalize universities
  7. New UNU project aims to prevent insurgent movements
  8. Experts seek solution to Bangladesh's arsenic contamination 'catastrophe'
  9. WIDER launches discussion paper publication series
  10. Malaysian PM Mahathir to deliver first U Thant lecture
  11. Water workshop to focus on implications of climate change
  12. WIDER conference on debt reduction Helsinki 17-18 August
  13. UNU to co-host environmental accounting symposium
  14. INTERVIEW: Dr. Ken Graham, Director, UNU Leadership Academy

Issue 8: April - May 2001

  1. New study to urge sweeping reform of UN, IMF, World Bank
  2. Activists needed for global financial reform, UNU study says
  3. University of future will be bigger, stronger, more competitive – UNU Rector

  4. New fund aims to double number of UNU fellowships

  5. UNU co-hosted meetings discuss global water issues

  6. INWEH to help monitor water quality in Lake Victoria

  7. INCORE to host conference on them of From Violence to Politics

  8. Skilled political leadership vital for peace process, says INCORE report

  9. Applications invited for seminar on coping with change in the information age

  10. Q&A: Prof. Zakri Hamid, Director of UNU Institute of Advanced Studies

Issue 7: February - March 2001

  1. Koffi Annan opens UNU building as 'UN House' in Japan
  2. Partners in humanitarian crises
  3. All factions must sign on for lasting peace – study
  4. UNU/CRIS New RTP to study regional intregration
  5. Tax trade to share benefits of globalization says new WIDER director
  6. UNU selects 2001 Akino Memorial research fellows
  7. INCORE offering three courses at 2001 summer school
  8. WIDER conference on growth and poverty, Helsinki, May 25-26
  9. Forum tackles problem of global sustainability
  10. WTO, Kosovo crisis examined in news books from UNU Press

Issue 6: January 2001

  1. WIDER convenes conference on growth and poverty
  2. Experts discuss linkages between ozone, climate change treaties
  3. WIDER project collaborator wins Grawemeyer Award
  4. UNU/INRA upgrades plant tissue culture laboratory
  5. Entries invited for Eisaku Sato essay contest
  6. International peace agreements available on INCORE website

Issue 5: November – December 2000

  1. UNU to host workshop on social sciences and innovation

  2. Conference delegates discuss ethics of gene research

  3. Lessons from the 1997-98 El Niño: once burned, twice shy?

  4. New Directors appointed to WIDER and IAS

  5. New INTECH web site faster, easier to use

  6. WIDER Angle focuses on challenges of IT

  7. Application deadline for UNU courses is Jan. 31

Issue 4: October 2000

  1. UNU marks 25th anniversary with global values conference
  2. Founders honoured at silver anniversary symposium
  3. UNU Rector to lead International Association of Universities
  4. UNU stages conference on value of forests
  5. Report on El Niño: fix the roof while the sun shines
  6. Annual WIDER lecture focuses on globalization and governance
  7. Dr. José Luis Ramirez named Director of UNU/BIOLAC
  8. Developing countries 'must invest in IT' – new book

Issue 3: September 2000

  1. UNU launches project on sustainable forest development
  2. Jordan's Queen Rania to chair INWEH advisory committee
  3. Threats to mountains target of new UNU partnership
  4. Dr. Lynn Mytelka named new Director of UNU/INTECH
  5. CNN International airs UNU ads
  6. New book studies development, pollution link in Central Europe

Issue 2: July - August 2000

  1. Water4Life campaign is launched in UK
  2. Africa can feed just 40% of its population in 2025 – INRA report
  3. New Study from UN University: Human Rights and Foreign Policy
  4. New book examines international cooperation in foreign policy
    n Globalization, foreign investment "great opportunities for Africa"
    n UNU/INRA backs new computer course at Cameroon university

Issue 1: April - June 2000

  1. UNU to Help Lead Creation of World Freshwater Assessment
  2. UNU Kosovo Study Calls for Clearer Crisis Guidelines
  3. UNU Study Links Information Technology Investment, National Economic Growth
  4. Symposium Examines Threat from Endocrine Disrupters
  5. New Book Studies Decade of Economic Transition in Europe, Asia

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