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Abe Takeshi. 1983. "Meiji zenki ni okeru Nihon no zairai sangyõ" (Japanese native industry in early Meiji). In Matsukata zaisei to shokusan kõgyõ seisaku. See Umemura and Nakamura 1983.

Aoki Eiichi. 1979. Chiiki shakai kara mita tetsudõ kensetsu (Railway Construction as Viewed from Local Society, HSDRJE-13/UNUP-97, 1980). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-13J/UNUP-33. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

_____.1982a. Keiben tetsudõ no hattatsu (Light railway development - Networks and rolling stock). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-50J/UNUP-355. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

_____.1982b. Toshika no shinten to tetsudõ gijutsu no dõnyü (The development of railways in Japan's big cities). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-54J/UNUP-359. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Arisawa Hiromi et al., eds. 1967. Nihon sangyõ hyakunen shi (A 100-year history of Japanese industry). 2 vols. Tokyo, Nihon Keizai Shimbun Sha.

_____. eds. 1980. Shõwa keizai shi (History of the Japanese economy in the Showa period). 2 vols. Tokyo, Nihon Keizai Shimbun Sha.

Asai Yoshio. 1983. "Gaishi dõnyü to Nihon Kõgyõ Ginkõ" (Induction of foreign capital and the Industrial Bank of Japan). Tokyo, United Nations University. Unpublished research paper.

Asajima Shoichi. 1983. Mujingyõ no sonritsü kiban to sono henshitsu (Japan's mutual loan business and how it changed). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-87J/UNUP-488. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Carson, Rachel. 1962. Silent Spring. New York, Houghton Mifflin.

Chiba Osamu. 1983. "Nõgyõ kin'yu ni okeru kyõdõ kumiai" (Co-operative associations in agricultural financing). Tokyo, United Nations University. Unpublished research paper.

Chimoto Akiko. 1982. Meiji shoki bõsekigyõ no rõmu kanri no keisei (The formation of labour control in the early Meiji cotton mills). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-75J/UNUP-399. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Cho Yukio. 1981. Ishoku-gata daikõgyõ to zairai sangyõ (Large-scale transplanted industries and traditional industries: A comparison). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-65J/UNUP-377. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Fujimori Terunobu. 1982. Meiji no Tõkyõ keikaku (Tokyo plans in the Meiji period). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten.

Fujita Teiichiro. 1981. Kindai Nihon dõgyõ kamiai shiron josetsu (Introduction to a history of industrial associations in modern Japan). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-64J/UNUP-376. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Furushima Toshio. 1980. Nõsho no jidai (The age of agriculture books). Tokyo, Nosangyoson Bunka Kyokai.

Gayn, Mark. 1981. Japan Diary. Tokyo and Rutland, Vt., Tuttle.

Goto Shin'ichi. 1980. Nihon kin'yü seido hattatsu shi (History of the development of the Japanese financial system). Tokyo, Kyoiku Sha.

Hara Akira. 1977. "Zaikai." In Kindai Nihon kenkyü nyümon (An introduction to the study of modern Japan). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press.

Harada Katsumasa. 1979. tetsudõ dõnyü to gijutsu jiritsu e no tembõ (Japan's Discovery, Import, and Technical Mastery of Railways, HSDRJE-12/UNUP-51, 1979). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-12J/UNUP-32. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

_____.1980. tetsudõ gijutsu no jiritsu to kikakuka no shinkõ (Technological Independence and Progress of Standardization in the Japanese Railways, HSDRJE-36/UNUP-223, 1981). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-36J/UNUP-209. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Harada Masazumi. 1972. Minamata byõ (Minamata disease). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten.

_____.1985. Minamata byõ ni manabu tabi - Minamata byõ no mae ni Minamata byõ wa nakatta (Journey in search of Minamata disease - There was no Minamata disease before its first occurrence). Tokyo, Nihon Hyoron Sha.

Hashimoto Tetsuya. 1980. Chihõ toshi no kasõ minshü to minshü bõdõ (The Lower Socio-economic Classes and Mass Riots in a Provincial City, HSDRJE-32/UNUP-256). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-32J/UNUP-205. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Hatate Isao. 1979. Suiri to shidõshatachi (Irrigation Water Rights Disputes in Japan - as Seen in the Azusa River System, HSDRJE-5/UNUP-87, 1979). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-5J/UNUP-25. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

_____.1980. Ogogawa, Yamadagawa sosui no seiritsu katei (The Establishing Process of the Ogo and Yamada Canals, HSDRJE-44/UNUP-336, 1981). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-44J/UNUP-217. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

_____.1981. Nihon shihonshugi no seisei to fudõ sangyõ (Urbanization and the Real-Estate Business, HSDRJE-57/UNUP-410, 1983). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-57J/UNUP-369. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Hayashi Takeshi. 1979. Gijutsu no iten, hen'yõ, kaihatsu (Historical Background of Technology Transfer, Transformation, and Development in Japan, HSDRJE-19/UNUP-48, 1979). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-19J/UNUP-49. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Hiroshige Toru. 1960. Kagaku to shakai-shi - Kindai Nihon no kagaku taisei (A social history of science - The structure of modern Japanese science). Tokyo, Chuo Koron Sha.

_____.1979. Kagaku to rekishi (Science and history). Tokyo, Misuzu Shobo.

Horii Kenzo. 1979. Hata seki ni okeru suiri kõzõ (Organization of the irrigation system of the Hata Canal). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-21J/UNUP-70. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Hoshino Yoshiro. 1979. Hoshino Yoshiro chosakushü (The collected works of Hoshino Yoshiro). 8 vols. Tokyo, Keiso Shobo.

_____.1982. Ashio Dõzan no gijutsu to keiei no rekishi (History of Technological and Administrative Development in the Ashio Copper Mine, HSDRJE-79/UNUP-417, 1983). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-79J/UNUP-403. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

_____.1986. Sentan gijutsu no kompon mondai (Basic problems of the latest technologies). Tokyo, Keiso Shobo.

Hosoi Wakizo. [1925] 1954. Jokõ aishi (The sad story of the girl spinners). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten.

Iida Ken'ichi. 1979. Nihon tekkõ gijutsu no keisei to tenkai (Origin and Development of Iron and Steel Technology in Japan, HSDRJE-8/UNUP-89, 1980). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-8J/UNUP-28. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

_____.1981. Kindai tekkõ gijutsu no hatten to rõdõryoku (Skilled labour and the development of steel technology in modern Japan). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-53J/UNUP-358. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Iida Ken'ichi and Saegusa Hiroo. 1957. Nihon kindai seitetsu-gijutsu hattatsu shi (Development of modern iron- and steel-making technology in Japan). Tokyo, Toyo Keizai Shimpo Sha.

Iijima Nobuko. 1982. Ashio Dõzan Yamamoto ni okeru kõgai (Mining pollution in the Ashio Copper Mine). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-76J/UNUP-400. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

_____.1984. Kankyõ mondai to higaisha undõ (Environmental problems and victims' protests). Tokyo, Gakuyu Sha.

Iinuma Jiro. 1987. 2nd ed. Nõgyõ kakamei ron (Agricultural revolution). Tokyo, Mirai Sha.

Ikeda Shoji, ed. 1982. Niigata ken no kinzoku kokõ sangyõ (Metal processing in industrial towns: The experience of Tsubame and Sanjo). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-51J/UNUP-356. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Imamura Naraomi. 1979. Tochi kairyõ tõshi to Nõgyõ keiei (Land Improvement Investment and Agricultural Enterprises in Japan - as Seen in the Azusa River System, HSDRJE-6/UNUP-88, 1980). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-6J/UNUP-26. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

_____. 1980. Toshika to chiiki Nõgyõ no tembõ (The progress of urbanization and prospects for regional agriculture). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-42J/UNUP-215. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Industrial Bank of Japan, Research Department, ed. 1984. Nihon sangyõ dokuhon (A reader of Japanese industry). Tokyo, Toyo Keizai Shimpo Sha.

Inoki Takenori. 1983. "Chiso beinõ ron to zaisei seiri" (Financial settlement and the land tax in kind). In Matsukata zaisei to shokusan kõgyõ seisaku. See Umemura and Nakamura 1983.

Ishihara Osamu. 1913. "Eiseigaku-jõ yori mitaru jokõ no genkyõ to kekkaku" (Female workers and the sanitary conditions of the work-place). Tokyo, Kokka Igaku Kai.

Ishii Ichiro. 1979. Nihon ni okeru dõro gijutsu no hattatsu (The development of road construction technology in Japan). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-10J/UNUP-30. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

_____.1980. Nihon ni okeru dõro gijutsu no hattatsu 11 (The development of road construction technology in Japan - Part II). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-35J/UNUP-208. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Ishii Tadashi. 1986. "Sen'i kikai gijutsu no hatten katei" (Development process of textile machinery). In Kindai Nihon no gijutsu to gijutsu seisaku. See Uchida, Nakaoka, and Ishii 1986.

Ishimure Michiko. 1972. Kukai jõdo (Bitter sea and paradise). Tokyo, Kodan Sha.

Ishizuka Hiromichi. 1977. Tõkyõ no shakai-keizai shi (Socio-economic history of Tokyo). Tokyo, Kinokuniya Shoten.

_____.1979. " Tõkyõ-shi" kenkyü no hõhõron josetsu (Methodological Introduction to the History of the City of Tokyo, HSDRJE-2/UNUP-85, 1981). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-2J/UNUP-22. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

_____.1980. Toshi kasõ shakai to "saimin" jükyoron (Lower socio-economic class urban society in Tokyo and housing for the poor - Up to the early 1920s). UNU
Research Paper No. HSDRJE-28J/UNUP-201. Tokyo, United Nations University

_____.1981. Tõkyõ no toshi suramu to kõshü eisei mondai (The Early History of the Control of Water-Borne Diseases in Tokyo, HSDRJE-55/UNUP-409, 1983). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-55J/UNUP-367. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Iwashita Masahiro. 1982. Wasõ orimono sangyõ ni okeru zairai gijutsu to gairai gijutsu (Traditional and transplanted technology in Japan's traditional clothing industry). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-73J/UNUP-397. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Izumi Takeo. 1979a. "The Cotton Industry." The Developing Economies (Institute of Developing Economies, Tokyo). vol. 17, no. 4, 398-420.

_____.1979b. Mengyõ ni okeru gijutsu no hen'yõ to kaihatsu (Transformation and Development of Technology in the Japanese Cotton Industry, HSDRJE-25/UNUP91, 1980). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-25J/UNUP-74. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Jinnouchi Yoshito. 1981. Denki kangai jigyõ to chiiki shakai (Electric Irrigation and Local Society, HSDRJE-58/UNUP-411, 1983). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-58J/UNUP-370. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Kasuga Yutaka. 1982. Hokkaidõ sekitangyõ no gijutsu rõdõ (Transfer and Development of Coal Mine Technology in Hokkaido, HSDRJE-48/UNUP-335, 1982). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-48J/UNUP-262. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Kato Kozaburo. 1979. Mengyõ ni okeru gijutsu iten to keitai (Technology transfer in the Japanese cotton industry). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-18J/UNUP-68. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Kato Toshihiko. 1957. Hompõ ginkõ shi ron (History of Japanese banks). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press.

Katsura Yoshio. 1977. Sõgõ shõsha no genryü: Suzuki Shõten (Suzuki Shoten: Origin of a general trading company). Tokyo, Nihon Keizai Shimbun Sha.

Kawabe Nobuo. 1990. "Overseas Operations of the General Trading Company." In General Trading Companies: A Comparative and Historical Study, ed. Shin'ichi Yonekawa. Tokyo, United Nations University Press. Forthcoming.

Kikuura Shigeo. 1979. Meiji shoki no garasu kõgyõ no keifu (History of the glass industry in the early Meiji era). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-20J/UNUP-69. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Kiyokawa Yukihiko. 1980. Sanhinshu no kairyõ to fukyü dempa (The Development and Diffusion of Improved Hybrid Silkworms in Japan - The First Filial Generation, HSDRJE-46/UNUP-253, 1981). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-46J/UNUP-219. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Kobashi Ichiro. 1981. Waga kuni ni okeru kaisha hõsei no keisei (The formation of company law in Japan). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-67J/UNUP-387. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Kobayashi Tatsuya. 1981. Gijustsu iten - Rekishi kara no kõsatsu: Amerika to Nippon (Technology transfer - A study from the viewpoint of American and Japanese history). Tokyo, Bunshin Do.

_____.1983. Zoku gijutsu iten - Dochakuka e no chõsen (Technology transfer - Challenge to indigenization). Tokyo, Bunshin Do.

Kosuge Nobuhiko. 1980. Waga kuni ni okeru jõsuidõ no hattatsu (The Development of Waterworks in Japan, HSDRJE-29/UNUP-240, 1981). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-29J/UNUP-202. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Koyano Shogo. 1979. Dentõ sangyõ gijutsu to shokunin no yakuwari (Technology of Traditional Industry and the Role of Craftsmen, HSDRJE-1/UNUP-84, 1979). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-1J/UNUP-21. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

_____.1980. Toshi kyojü ni okeru tekiõ gijutsu no tenkai (The development of technology adapted to urban life - Focusing on the lower socio-economic class). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-27J/UNUP-200. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Kurasawa Susumu. 1982. Kindai Nihon toshi keikaku kanren nempyõ (A history of city planning in Japan). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-69J/UNUP-393. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Maeda Kazutoshi. 1990. "Business Activities of General Trading Companies." In General Trading Companies: A Comparative and Historical Study, ed. Shin'ichi Yonekawa. Tokyo, United Nations University Press. Forthcoming.

Masuda Hiromi. 1979. Nihon ni okeru nairiku suiun no hattatsu (Development of river transportation in Japan). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-11J/UNUP-31. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

_____.1980. Shokusan kõgyõ seisaku to Nobiruko (Japan's Industrial Development Policy and the Construction of the Nobiru Port: The Case Study of a Failure, HSDRJE-37/UNUP-222, 1981). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-37J/UNUP-210. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Matsubara Iwagoro. [1893] 1988. Saiankoku no Tõkyõ (Darkest Tokyo). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten.

Matsushima Shizuo. 1978. Tomoko no shakaigaku-teki kõsatsu (A sociological study of the tomoko). Tokyo, Ochanomizu Shobo.

Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce, ed. [1903] 1976. Shokkõ jijõ (Survey of workers' conditions). 3 vols. Tokyo, Shinkigen Sha.

Mishima Yasuo. 1976. "Sõgõ shõsha - Sengo ni okeru kenkyüshi" (General trading firms - A history of studies after the war). In Nihon keishi kõza (History of Japanese business), ed. Nihon Keieishi Gakkai, vol. 3. Tokyo, Nihon Keizai Shimbun Sha.

MITI, Industrial Science and Technology Agency. 1981. Sõzõ-teki gijutsu rikkoku o mezashite (Toward self-reliance in technology). Tokyo, Government Printing Office.

Miyoshi Shinji. 1983. Meiji no enjinia kyõiku - Nihon to Igirisu no chigai (Engineering education in the Meiji period: Differences between Japan and England). Tokyo, Chuo Koron Sha.

Morikawa Hidemasa. 1975. Gijutsu-sha - Nihon kindai-ka no ninaite (Engineers - The modernizers of Japan). Tokyo, Nihon Keizai Shimbun Sha.

_____.1976. Nihon no kigyõ to kokka (Japanese enterprises and the state). Vol. 4 of Nihon keieishi kõza (History of Japanese business), ed. Nihon Keieishi Gakkai. Tokyo, Nihon Keizai Shimbun Sha.

Mori Kiyoshi. 1985. Machi kõba kara no hassõ (Views from a small factory). Tokyo, Kodan Sha.

Mukae Yurio. 1982. Yübin chokin no hatten to sono shoyõin (Development of post office savings schemes). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-61J/UNUP-373. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Murakami Nobuhiko. 1973-81. Meiji josei-shi (History of women in the Meiji period). 3 vols. Tokyo, Kodan Sha.

Murakami Yasumasa, and Hara Kazuhiko. 1982. Gijutsu no shakai shi (A social history of technology). Vol. 1. Tokyo, Yuhikaku.

Murakushi Nisaburo. 1979. Nihon sekitangyõ no gijutsu to rõdõ (Technology and Labour in Japanese Coal Mining, HSDRJE-17/UNUP-82, 1980). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-17J/UNUP-37. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

_____.1981. Manshü e no sekitangyõ gijutsu iten to rõdõryoku (The Transfer of Coal-Mining Technology from Japan to Manchuria and Manpower Problems - Focusing on the Development of the Fushun Coal Mines, HSDRJE-47/UNUP-225, 1981). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-47J/UNUP-220. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Muroyama Yoshimasa. 1983. "Matsukata defurëshon no mekanizumu" (Mechanism of the Matsukata deflationary policy). In Matsukata zaisei to shokusan kõgyõ seisaku. See Umemura and Nakamura 1983.

Nagai Michio. 1969. Kindaika to kyõiku (Modernization and education). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press.

_____, ed. 1984. Development in the Non-Western World. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Nagai Michio, and Miguel Urrutia, eds. 1985. Meiji Ishin: Restoration and Revolution. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Nagata Keijuro. 1980. Tameike kangai chitai no Nõgyõ seisan to suiri (Agricultural production and irrigation in areas dependent on reservoirs). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-43J/UNUP-216. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Nakagawa Kiyoshi. 1982. Senzen Tõkyõ no toshi kasõ (The lower classes in prewar metropolitan Tokyo). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-56J/UNUP-368. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Nakagome Shozo. 1982. Ifuku sangyõ no hajime (The establishment of the Western clothing industry in Japan). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-83J/UNUP-407. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Nakamura Hachiro. 1979. Senzen no Tõkyõ ni okeru chõnaikai (Town Organizations in Prewar Tokyo, HSDRJE-3/UNUP-86, 1980). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-3J/UNUP-23. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

_____.1980. Chõnaikai no soshiki to un'eijõ no mondai ten (The organization of town associations and their operational problems: A case-study of prewar Tokyo). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-31J/UNUP-204. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

_____.1982. Denki jigyõ no ranshõ to tenkai katei (The origin and development of electric power supply in Japan). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-70J/UNUP-394. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Nakamura Hideichiro. 1982. Chüshõ kigyõ keieisha no shisõ (Ideology of small enterprise management). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-81J/UNUP-405. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Nakamura Masanori. 1952. "Kaisetsu" (Annotation). In Aa Nomugi Tõge. See Yamamoto 1952.

_____.1985. Gijutsu kakushin to joshi rõdõ (Technological Innovation and Female Labour in Japan, forthcoming). Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Nakamura Takafusa. 1978. Nippon keizai - Sono kõzõ to seichõ (The Japanese economy - Its structure and growth). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press.

_____.1983. "Matsukata defurëshon zenshi" (Background of the Matsukata deflationary policy). In Matsukata zaisei to shokusan kõgyõ seisaku. See Umemura and Nakamura 1983.

_____.1986. Shõwa keizai-shi (Economic history of the Showa period). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten.

Nakaoka Tetsuro. 1980. Kõjõ no tetsugaku (Philosophy of the factory). Tokyo, Heibon Sha.

_____.1986. "Gijutsushi no shiten kara mita Nihon no keiken" (The Japanese experience viewed from the history of technology). In Kindai Nihon no gijutsu to gijutsu seisaku. See Uchida, Nakaoka, and Ishii 1986.

Nakayama Ichiro. 1956. Chingin kihon chõsa (Basic survey of wages). Tokyo, Toyo Keizai Shimpo Sha.

Nakayama Shigeru. 1978. Teikoku daigaku no tanjõ (Birth of the imperial university). Tokyo, Chuo Koron Sha.

_____.1981. Kagaku to shakai no gendai-shi (Contemporary history of science and society). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten.

Nakura Bunji. 1980. Nihon teikõgyõ to "nan'yõ" tekkõ shigen (The Prewar Japanese Steel Industry and Iron Ore Resources in South-east Asia: The Development of Malaysian Iron Ore by the Ishihara Sangyo Company, HSDRJE-33/UNUP-235, 1981). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-33J/UNUP-206. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Namie Ken. 1981. Watashi no nõmin kyõiku no jissen (Farmer Education: A Personal Experience, HSDRJE-62/UNUP-413, 1983). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-62J/UNUP-374. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Namigata Shoichi. 1981. Chõsen ni okeru kin'yü kamiai (Development and function of co-operative financing associations in Korea). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-60J/UNUP-372. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Nihon Keizai Shimbun Sha, ed. 1978. Asu no raibaru - Oiageru Ajia no kikai kõgyõ (Tomorrow's rival - The Asian machine manufacturing industry in pursuit). Tokyo, Nihon Keizai Shimbun Sha.

Nishioka Toranosuke. 1978. Kinsei ni okeru ichi rõnõ no shõgai (The life of an old farmer in the modern age). Tokyo, Kodan Sha.

Okakura Koshiro. 1980. "Unesco kankoku to Kagakusha Kenshõ" (Unesco recommendations and the Scientists' Charter). In Watanabe Naotsune and Igasaki Akeo, eds., Kagakusha Kenshõ (Scientists' Charter). Tokyo, Keiso Shobo.

Okumura Shoji. 1970. Hinawa-jü kara kurofune made - Edo jidai gijutsu shi (Matchlock to black ships - History of technology in the Edo period). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten.

_____.1973. Koban, kiito, watetsu - Zoku Edo-jidai gijutsu shi 11 (Kobang, raw silk, Tatara steel - History of technology in the Edo period, II). Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten.

Otsuka Tsutomu. 1982. Shoku ni okeru Nihon no kindaika (Transformation of Japan's eating habits). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-82J/UNUP-406. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Saito Osamu. 1983. "Chihõ reberu no shokusan kõgyõ seisaku" (Industrial policies at the local level). In Matsukata zaisei to shokusan kõgyõ seisaku. See Umemura and Nakamura 1983.

Saito Toshihiko. 1982. Kinhonisei ka no zaigai seika (Specie held abroad under the gold standard system). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-68J/UNUP-388. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

_____.1983. Gaikoku kawase ginkõ no seiritsu (Foreign exchange banks in Japan and how they evolved). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-88J/UNUP-489. Tokyo United Nations University Press.

Sakaguchi Akira. 1976. "Zaikai, seitõ, kanryõ" (Financial circles, political parties, and bureaucrats). In Nihon no kigyõ to kokka. See Morikawa 1976.

Sakamoto Masako. 1990. "Diversification - The Case of Mitsui Bussan." In General Trading Companies: A Comparative and Historical Study, ed. Shin'ichi Yonekawa. Tokyo, United Nations University Press. Forthcoming.

Sasaki Junnosuke. 1979. Dentõteki kõgyõ gijutsu no taiyõ (Modes of Traditional Mining Techniques, HSDRJE-24/UNUP-99, 1981). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-24J/UNUP-73. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

_____.1980. Nihon ni okeru zairai gijutsu to shakai (Endogenous Technology and Society in Japan, HSDRJE-41/UNUP-221, 1981). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-41J/UNUP-214. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

_____, ed. 1983. Gijutsu no shakai-shi (Social history of technology). 6 vols. Tokyo, Yuhikaku.

Sasama Hidefumi. 1981. Seifun- seiyu-gyõ no kindaika (The modernization of the milling and seed-oil industry in Japan). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-66J/UNUP-378. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Sato Mamoru. 1982. "Jitsugyõ hoshü gakkõ no seiritsu to tenkai" (Formation and development of vocational schools). In Wagakuni ririku-ki no jitsugyõ kyõiku. See Toyoda 1982.

Sato Seizaburo. 1977. "Meiji Ishin no saikentõ" (Re-examination of the Meiji Restoration). In Kindai Nihon kenkyü nyümon (An introduction to the study of modern Japan). Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press.

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Seki Kiyohide, Taniuchi Tatsu, and Takahashi Man'emon. 1979. Hokkaidõ kaihatsu to gijutsu iten (Development of Hokkaido and technology transfer). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-22J/UNUP-71. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Seoka Makoto. 1982. Zaibatsu keieisha to kirisutokyõ shakai jigyõka (Zaibatsu management and the Christian social worker). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-74J/UNUP-398. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

Shibuya Ryuichi. 1981. Shiei shichiya no tenkai to seisaku taiõ (The Emergence of Private Pawn Shops: Japanese Government Policy, HSDRJE-59/UNUP-412, 1983). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-59J/UNUP-371. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

_____.1983. Kõeki shichiya seidõ no dõnyü to tenkai (The public pawn-shop system: Introduction and development). UNU Research Paper No. HSDRJE-86J/UNUP-487. Tokyo, United Nations University Press.

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