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1 According to Ndulu and Semboja (1992), measuring exports in purchasing power parity dollars (PPP$) facilitates comparisons over time, especially given the serious depreciation of the domestic currency in the 1966-90 period. See notes to Table 8.1 for the definition of PPP$.

2 Traditional exports include the six major agricultural cash crops, i.e. coffee, cotton, sisal, tea, tobacco and cashew nuts, along with traditional mineral exports of diamonds.

3 The SIP is a Swedish aid-financed programme for establishing small-scale industries in Tanzania (junior sisters) through international technology transfer by Swedish small or medium-sized industries (senior sisters). The programme began in 1977. SIDO selects products and technology and with the aid of a Swedish consulting firm, FIDE, identifies the senior sister. The senior sister is responsible for designing and specifying production equipment, its installation and commissioning, training junior sisters, supplying the necessary raw materials and other back-up support services during the agreed (5-10 years) term of cooperation. To date the SIP has resulted in 34 projects (junior sisters) located in five of the 20 regions i.e. Kilimanjaro (13) Arusha (12), Mbeya (7) and one each in Tanga and Iringa.

4 All SIP projects are situated in SlDO's industrial estates, which generally provide infrastructure such as roads, water and electricity connections, common workshop facilities and industrial sheds.

5 Some sources give 223.5 million


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