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Many people and institutions have contributed to this book. Prof. Charles Cooper, Director of UNU/INTECH, has provided insightful intellectual guidance in several stages of this study. Martin Bell of Sussex University gave very helpful comments especially at the project design stage. The academic staff at UNU/INTECH offered useful comments in INTECH seminars at several stages of project design and implementation. I would also like to mention Prof. Jeffrey James of Tilburg University, with whom I held helpful discussions at the early stages of this project.

Many individuals and institutions in the six African countries gave us good cooperation at the data collection stage and many individuals in companies in Europe offered their valuable time for interviews. I would also like to thank all the participants (academic. policy-makers and industrialists) at the workshop which was held in Arusha (Tanzania) in May 1993, at which preliminary findings were discussed. Prof. Manfred Bienefeld of Carleton University read all the papers presented at the workshop, provided excellent comments and useful insights on the various drafts.

I thank IDRC for funding the Arusha workshop, without which the many useful interactions and comments would not have been possible. Sen McGlinn went through several drafts and improved the text considerably and with impressive tolerance and commitment to this work. This book would not have been completed without consistent cooperation from the staff at INTECH. If there are errors remaining, they are mine.

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