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C. Contributors

EDITH BROWN WEISS Professor of International and Environmental Law at Georgetown University Law Center and former Associate General Counsel for International Law, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Member of Board of Editors of the American Journal of International Law and Chair of the Social Science Research Council's Committee on Research in Global Environmental Change. Elected to the American Law Institute and the Council on Foreign Relations. Recipient in April 1990 of the Certificate of Merit Award of the American Society of International Law for her book In Fairness to Future Generations (Transnational/United Nations University, 1989).

ANTONIO AUGUSTO CANÇADO TRINDADE, Ph.D. (Cambridge), Professor of international Law at the University of Brasilia and the Rio Branco Diplomatic Institute, Judge Ad Hoc of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, former Legal Adviser to Brazil's Ministry of External Relations, and member of the Board of Directors of the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights.

TORU IWAMA, Professor of Law at Fukuoka University, Faculty of Law, Japan. Visiting Research Scholar at Australian National University, Faculty of Law, 1981, and Georgetown University Law Center, 1988-1989. B.A., International Christian University; M.A., University of Hawaii; Master in Law, Hitotsubashi University.

ALEXANDRE KISS, Director of Research at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, Director of the Centre for Environmental Law of the Robert Schuman University at Strasbourg, President of the European Council for Environmental Law, and Vice-President of the International Institute of Human Rights. Consultant to many international organizations involved in legal aspects of environmental problems.

PEIDER KÖNZ lawyer, the United Nations University Representative in Europe. Previously served as the Legal Adviser to the OECD, Resident Representative/UN Coordinator in Brazil, senior legal consultant to the IAEA, and Research Associate at Harvard Law School. Holder of licence en droit from Geneva and LLB/SA from George Washington University.

LAI PENG CHENG, Professor of Law and Vice-Dean at the Law Department of Fudan University. General Editor of "Contemporary Law Studies," as well as author of numerous books and articles in the field of international law, environmental law, and international relations. Member of the international advisory board of the "International Encyclopedia of Law," published by Kluwer.

FRANCISCO ORREGO VICUÑA, Professor of International Law at the Institute of International Studies and the Law School of the University of Chile. President of the Chilean Council on Foreign Relations. Ph.D. in international law, London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London.

RAGHUNANDAN SWARUP PATHAK, Judge on the Supreme Court of India 1978-1986, Chief Justice of India 1986-1989, Judge on the International Court of Justice at the Hague 1989-1991. Currently President of the Indian Society of International Law and member of the Executive Committee of the International Law Association. Recipient of numerous honorary degrees, former professor at the Institute of Advanced Studies in the Humanities at Edinburgh University.

PAUL C. SZASZ, Legal Officer since 1958 of, successively, the International Atomic Agency, the World Bank and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, and the United Nations. Served as Deputy to the Legal Counsel and Director of the General

Legal Division, United Nations. Teacher at Pace, Berkeley, and New York University law schools.

PETER S. THACHER, United Nations appointment in 1971 as Programme Director of the staff preparing 1972 UN Environment Conference in Stockholm, served thereafter as Director of UNEP European Office and Deputy Executive Director of UNEP, with rank of UN Assistant Secretary-General. Since retiring in 1983, associated with the World Resources Institute and consultant/adviser to a number of organizations. Senior Adviser to the Secretary-General for the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development.

ALEXANDRE S. TIMOSHENKO, leading scholar in international environmental law at the former USSR Academy of Sciences. Formerly chairman of the Sector on Ecological Law at the Academy's Institute of State and Law. Served as consultant to the United Nations Environment Programme, UN Economic Commission for Europe, Brundtland Commission, International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, and other international bodies.

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