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This book was undertaken as a project of the United Nations University. I am extremely grateful to the United Nations University for its generous support and for its constant dedication to facilitating the scholarship of the authors.

The authors represent a broad cross-section of scholars and practitioners from various parts of the world. All of them have extensive experience with international environmental issues. They write solely in their individual capacities as scholars.

The group held two workshops to define and analyse the issues and to discuss the contents of the various chapters. Both were held at the International Court of Justice, the Hague. I am grateful to the Hague Academy of International Law for allowing us to use these facilities and for the gracious hospitality of the Academy and its staff.

During the course of preparing this book, the authors have received numerous comments on earlier drafts of the manuscripts from each other and from outside commentators. All of us express our deep gratitude to our colleagues for this valuable input.

I am especially grateful to Anna Paiewonsky, Steven Porter, Kathleen Haviland, and Robert McDade, students at the Georgetown University Law Center, for their assistance in this project, to the administrative staff of the Law Center for their excellent support, and to Ellen Schaefer, the International Law Librarian, for her untiring efforts to locate difficult references.

Finally, I must express appreciation to Roland Fuchs and Dieter Koenig of the United Nations University for making this project

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