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Assies, W. (1994) "Reconstructing the meaning of urban land in Brazil: the case of Recife." In Jones and Ward (eds.), 102-7.

Castells, M. (1977) The urban question. Edward Arnold.

(1983) The city and the grassroots. Edward Arnold.

Fainstein, S., I. Gordon, and M. Harloe (eds.) (1992) Divided cities: New York and London in comparative perspective. Blackwell.

Friedmann, J. and Wolff, G. (1982) "World city formation: An agenda for research and action." International Journal for Urban and Regional Research 6: 309 43.

Gilbert, A.G., and P.M. Ward (1985) Housing, the state and the poor: Policy and practice in three Latin American Cities. Cambridge University Press.

Jacobi, P. (1995) "Alcances y límites de los gobiernos locales progresistas en Brasil. Las alcaldías petistas." Revista Mexicana de Sociología 95: 143 62.

Jones, G., and P. Ward (eds.) (1994) Methodology for land and housing market analysis. University College London Press.

Lombardi, M. and D. Veiga (eds.) (1989) Las ciudades en conflicto: Una perspectiva latineamericana. Ediciones de la Banda Oriental, Montevideo.

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Mollenkopf, J., and M. Castells (eds.) (1991) Dual city: The restructuring of New York. New York: Russell Sage.

O'Donnell, G. (1989) "Transitions to democracy: some navigation instruments." In R. Pastor (ed.), Democracy in the Americas: Stopping the pendulum, Holmes and Meier, 62-75.

O'Neill, H., and M. Moss (1991) Reinventing New York: Competing in the next century's global economy. Urban Research Center, New York.

Pinch, S. (1985) Cities and services: The geography of collective consumption. Routledge & Kegan Paul.

Pírez, P. (1989) "El municipio y la organizació del estado en Argentina." Medio Ambiente y Urbanización 28: 5-13.

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Pohlmann, M. (1993) Governing the postindustrial city. Longman.

Rodriguez, V. (1996) "Opening the political space in Mexico: local elections and electoral reform." In H. Dietz and G. Shidlo (eds.), Urban elections in democratic Latin America, Wilmington, Delaware, Scholarly Resources.

Rodriguez, V., and P. Ward (1992) Policymaking, politics, and urban governance in Chihuahua. LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas.

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Roth, G. (1987) The private provision of public services. Oxford University Press.

Sassen, S. (1991) The global city: New York, London, Tokyo. Princeton University Press.

Silverman, J. (1991) Public sector decentralization: Economic policy and sector investment programs. World Bank Technical Paper no. 188, Washington DC.

Stanyer, J. (1976) Understanding local government. Fontana.

Vogel, D. (1993) "New York City as a national and global financial center." In M. Shefter (ed.), Capital of the American century: The national and international influences of New York City, New York, Russell Sage Foundation, 49-70.

Wade, R. (1989) "Politics and graft: Recruitment, appointment, and promotions to public office in India." In P. Ward (ed.), Corruption, development and inequality, Routledge, 73-109.

Ward, P.M. (1990) Mexico City: The production and reproduction of an urban environment. Belhaven.

World Bank (1994) World development report 1994. Washington DC.

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