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Hydropolitics Along the Jordan River
Scarce Water and Its Impact on the Arab-Israeli Conflict
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Arid Zone Water Resources Planning for Peace
Applications of Non-conventional Alternatives in the Middle East
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This forthcoming volume evaluates some non-conventional approaches to resolving water resources issues in the Middle East. The text draws on studies involving Kuwait, Jordan, Palestine, and Israel.

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Long-Distance Water Transfer
A Chinese Case Study and International Experiences
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This book discusses the social, environmental, economic, and institutional implications of long-distance water transfer. It deals with water transfer in China, exploring the ideological, climatological, agricultural, economic, and environmental factors involved.

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Sustainable Management of Soil Resources in the Humid Tropics
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The "Deep Blue Sea," methaphor for vastness and unbounded wealth, is like other ecosystem, vulnerable to overexploitation. Greater awareness and a heightened sense of urgency have led in recent years to a determination to ensure sustainable use of the marine environment, which in turn has resulted in the formulation of pioneering ocean-related legal initiatives.

This book examines the institutional implications of sustainable development of the ocean. The book explores the national, regional, and global dimensions of ocean governance and draws attention to the basic issue and approaches concerned with achieving the difficult task of institutional integration for the long-term sustainability of the seas. This study makes a strong case for the critical importance of the oceans in any strategy aimed at a new, sustainable world order.

This volume represent the collaborative efforts of a diverse group of political leaders, scientists, scholars - from both North and South and the public and private sectors - and top UN officials; their thoughts on the practical mechanisms and requirements of sustainable development in the oceans and the likely trends in ocean governance in the coming years are especially relevant and urgent as we enter the twenty-first century.

Peter Bautista Payoyo is currently engaged is studies towards a Doctorate of Juristic Science at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

United Nations
University Press

ISBN 92-808-0847-7
05000 P

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