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Kwiatkowska, B. "the Role of Regional Organisations in Development Cooperation in Marine Affairs" In Soons, A., ed. Implementation of the Law of the Sea Convention through International Institutions, Honolulu: Law of the Sea Institute (1990).

Pinto, M.C.W. Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation in the Indian Ocean. FAO (1988).

IOMAC Documentation:

Record of the First Conference (IOMAC-I/A/27) 26-28 January 1987

Record of the Second Conference (IOMAC-II/A/10) 3-7 September 1990

Agreement on the Organization for Indian Ocean Marine Affairs Cooperation,

Arusha, Tanzania (GA Doc. A/45/831) 7 December 1990

Consolidated Records of the Standing Committee (IOMAC-II/A/2) September 1990

Record of the Seventh Meeting of the Standing Committee (IOMAC-II/SC-7/12/Rev. 1) July 1991

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