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Emmanuel D. Babatunde is an Associate Professor of Anthropology and the Director of the Honors Program at Lincoln University, Pennsylvania. His postgraduate studies at Oxford University were in Social Anthropology and led to a Ph.D. in the area of Family Values and Social Change, with particular reference to the impact of an oil boom on the notion of person among the Bini and Yoruba in modern-day Nigeria. He also has a Ph.D. in Comparative Multicultural Education from the Institute of Education, London University.

Dr. Babatunde has published extensively on development and social change, the patrilineal ideology and the status of women, the subtle use of cultural devices such as myths and social expectations to subordinate women, the changing trends in family interaction in Nigeria, and the cultural ritual activities in which women verbalize views unique to them in male-oriented cultures. He has served as a consultant and resource person to numerous national and international projects on the impact of culture on child nutrition, child welfare, food roads, and rural infrastructures, as well as the cultural impact on the moral development of children.

Dr. Babatunde is the Recipient of the 1995 Christian R. and Mary F. Linback Distinguished Teaching Award.

Nancy Colletta is a clinically trained developmental psychologist with a Ph.D. from Cornell University and an M.A. degree in early childhood education. She has worked in developing countries for 25 years. Her work has focused on designing programmes for preschool children both to optimize their development and to prepare them to function more adequately as they enter the formal school system.

Most of Dr. Colletta's fieldwork has been in Asia and includes designing a home-based early intervention programme for poorly nourished preschoolers in Indonesia. That project, located in villages in Central Java, used a cartoon-based curriculum, written on a secondgrade literacy level, and trained volunteers to help mothers provide adequate stimulation for their children. In an additional project, a developmental monitoring card, based on the growthmonitoring card, was designed to monitor child development in the first five years of life. The card lists developmentally sequenced milestones and simple interventions for parents to carry out each month. The sound psychometric properties of the card and its ease of use led to it being adopted for national use in Indonesia in 1993.

Working with the Christian Children's Fund and with UNICEF, Dr. Colletta recently conducted a 25-country child development training programme. The programme was designed for those individuals in each country (usually programme officers) who are in charge of designing child development programmes for preschoolers. The training package looked at child development needs in a cross-cultural context, linked children's needs to developmentally appropriate care, and considered developmental interventions of various levels of intensity and duration. Throughout, the emphasis of the training was on programme development and evaluation of programme outcomes. The training programme has been published as Understanding Cross-cultural Child Development and Designing Programs for Children (PACT, New York 1992).

David Garman is an Associate Professor of Economics and Deputy Chair of the Department of Economics at Tufts University. He received his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Michigan in 1984 and has taught at Tufts since 1983.

His research interests centre on applications of econometrics, and he has worked on topics such as the impact of college attendance on earnings, and the flexibility of wage and price across US industries. His work has appeared in the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, the Journal of Industrial Economics, Industrial Relations, the Southern Economic Journal, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, and the American Economic Review.

He has taught statistics and econometrics for many years, and has designed software that promotes the learning of statistical concepts through visualization.

Ellen Mara Kramer is a paediatric nutritionist with a background in anthropology. Over the past 15 years she has both worked directly in child nutrition programmes and participated in the review and evaluation of programmes Currently, she works for a Tufts University project that is designing programmes for the Schools of the Twenty-First Century. Ms. Kramer holds an M.A. in Anthropology from Temple University, an M.S. in Nutritional Biochemistry from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and an M.S. in Maternal and Child Health from the Harvard School of Public Health. She is a registered dietitian.

Ratna Megawangi is a faculty member of the Department of Community Nutrition and Family Resources at IPB (Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia). She received her Ph.D. from the School of Nutrition at Tufts University in 1991.

Since 1991, her research interests have focused on women and family. She has served as a principal investigator (PI) to two projects on "The Roles of Husbands in Promoting Family Wellness in Two Provinces" (1993-1994), and "An Evaluative Study on the Indonesian Family Welfare Program" (1994-1996), and as co-PI to an ongoing project on "Family in Transition" (1993-1996).

Dr. Megawangi also serves as a resource person to the Ministry of Population/ National Family Planning Coordinating Board, where she is a member of a National Working Group for Policies on Women. She is also a member of the IAC (In-country Advisory Committee) for Women's Studies in Indonesia.

Beside her academic work, she is also a columnist writing extensively on women and family issues in newspapers and journals in Indonesia.

Marian Frank Zeitlin is a Professor at the School of Nutrition, and a Senior Research Associate at the Eliot Pearson Child Study Department of Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts. She also is a Visiting Professor in the Sociology Department of the University of Lagos, Nigeria. Dr. Zeitlin specializes in social science research related to nutrition and the design of nutrition, health, child and family development programmes With a first degree in mathematics, she received her Ph.D. in International Nutrition Planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Her work on the family has grown out of a five-year, three-country project for UNICEF on positive deviance in nutrition and on psychological resilience, studying the characteristics that favour normal growth and development among children living in poverty. This project's main research finding was that well-developing children have socially healthy families. She has worked in 24 countries and has published three previous books and numerous book chapters and papers.

Positive Deviance In Child Nutrition
With Emphasis on Psychosocial and Behavioural
Aspects and Implications for Development
By Marian Zeitlin, Hossein Ghassemi, and Mohamed Mansour

Positive deviance refers to children who grow and develop well in impoverished environments where most children suffer malnutrition and chronic illness. These exceptional children are important as examples of successful child care behaviour and community support systems that can be applied when designing policies and programmes aimed at the malnourished.

ISBN 92-808-0697-1
US$30, airmail US$37
Developing country price: US$15

Women, Households and Change
Edited by Eleonora Masini and Susan Stratigos

In the first part of this volume, the reader is introduced to the life-course and time-allocation approaches that were used in undertaking the research for this study. The second part consists of case-studies on the impact of macro-events on women and households in 7 countries - Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Sri Lanka, China, and Kenya.

ISBN 92-808-0766-5
US$30; airmail US$37
Developing country price: US$15

Intra-household Resource Allocation Issues and Methods for Development Policy and Planning
Edited by Beatrice Lorge Rogers and Nina P. Schlossman

The book emphasizes the importance of understanding how resources are distributed within the household in order to design effective development programmes. Methods for collecting the information needed for analysing household resource allocation are discussed, as well as such key variables as how members allocate time, individual food consumption, and household flexibility in adapting to external economic and social changes.

ISBN 92-808-0733-1
US$35; airmail US$42
Developing country price: US$17.50

This book explores the characteristics of families that strengthen the family unit and promote the development of its individual members. Following upon an earlier research project on the development of children in poverty (published as a United Nations University Press book in 1990 under the title Positive Deviance in Child Nutrition), the present study examines how family social health improves the well-being of children and how family functioning interacts with national and international development. The authors argue that the smallest unit of analysis for sustainable development is neither the household nor the individual, but rather the family; and they stress that the success of development policies and programmes closely depends on a recognition of this. To test their hypotheses concerning associations between family health, child development, and general social development, the authors study two very different family types-the Javanese of Indonesia and the Yoruba of Nigeria. The book also considers the effects of modernization on the family; the usefulness of mathematical models in quantifying the effects of family change on economic development and human welfare; psychological studies of the family; and development assistance programmes. In the concluding section the authors present a unified cross-disciplinary paradigm of the socially well family, and also suggest policy and programme priorities.

Commenting on this study, one reviewer has written "The great strength of this work is its sweep, bringing in new ideas from such an array of theoretical and applied fields. (The work) will contribute to a sea change in how people in a variety of fields of endeavor are looking at families."

United Nations
University Press

UNUP 890
ISBN 92-808-0890-7
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