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Note to the reader from the UNU

This is the final volume to emerge from a five-year research and training programme conducted by the United Nations University on governance and conflict resolution. The programme examined the underlying conditions giving rise to internal conflicts, particularly where they are manifested through direct violence. It also focused on the conceptual and theoretical problems related to such conflicts, early warning of potential conflicts, and conflict transformation.

This volume investigates the causes and consequences of violent conflict and the options for its prevention, resolution, and transformation in regions as diverse as Africa, the former Yugoslavia, Northern Ireland, and certain Soviet successor states. The chapters, written by multicultural scholars, are based on revised versions of papers originally presented at a UNU symposium held in cooperation with the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in March 1992. The companion volume, entitled The Culture of Violence, was published by the UNU Press in 1994.

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