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Ethnicity and power in the contemporary world

Table of contents

Edited by
Kumar Rupesinghe and Valery A. Tishkov

United Nations University Press

© The United Nations University, 1996

The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations University.

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ISBN 92-808-0908-3
03500 P

The United Nations University is an organ of the United Nations established by the General Assembly in 1972 to be an international community of scholars engaged in research, advanced training, and the dissemination of knowledge related to the pressing global problems of human survival, development, and welfare. Its activities focus mainly on peace and conflict resolution, development in a changing world. and science and technology in relation to human welfare. The University operates through a worldwide network of research and postgraduate training centres, with its planning and coordinating headquarters in Tokyo.

The United Nations University Press, the publishing division of the UNU, publishes scholarly books and periodicals in the social sciences, humanities, and pure and applied natural sciences related to the University's research.


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Kumar Rupesinghe and Valery A. Tishkov

1. Governance and conflict resolution in multi-ethnic societies

Kumar Rupesinghe

1 Governance, ethnicity, and conflict resolution
2 The role of the state
3 The concept of self-determination
4 Governance and conflict resolution in multi-ethnic societies
5 International responses and mechanisms

2. Ethnic conflict in the Horn of Africa: Myth and reality

Hizkias Assefa

Conceptual problems
Problems of definition
Ethnicity and social harmony
The role of ideology
Traditional remedies
An alternative approach

3. Ethnic conflicts in the context of social science theories

Valery A. Tishkov

4. Settlement of ethnic conflicts in post-Soviet society

Emil Payin

1 Introduction
2 Types of inter-ethnic conflicts and their distribution
3 Ways to prevent ethnic conflicts

5. Dynamics of the Moldova Trans-Dniester ethnic conflict (late 1980s to early 1990s)

Airat R. Aklaev

1 Introduction
2 Historical background
3 Linguistic disputes and growth of ethnic political activism in Moldova
4 First power shift and proclamation of sovereignty
5 From declaring sovereignty to declaring independence
6 The august 1991 coup attempt and the transition to independence
7 Large-scale inter-ethnic violence
8 Bloodshed and conflict settlement in Bendery
9 Socio-political change and inter-ethnic violence
10 Ethno-political legitimacy crisis as transition to violence

6. Ethnic conflict in the Osh region in summer 1990: Reasons and lessons

Abilabek Asankanov

7. From centre-periphery conflict to the making of new nationality policy in an independent state: Estonia

Klara Hallik

From country to borderland, from nation to minority
An ethnically divided society
The language issue
Who has been the minority since august 1991?

8. Conflict management in the former USSR and world experience

Victor A. Kremenyuk

1 Introduction
2 On the notion of "conflict management"
3 Two cultures of conflict management
4 Ethnic conflicts as objects of management
5 Ethnic conflicts in the former USSR: history and lessons
6. Conclusion: Learning lessons

9. The dissolution of multi-ethnic states: The case of Yugoslavia

Silvo Devetak

The situation after the process of dissolution
Unresolved problems will remain
What are the prospects?

10. Ethnic conflict, federalism, and democracy in India

S.D. Muni

India's ethnic spectrum
Potential for conflicts and their protraction
Simultaneous conflict formation and conflict containment
Dynamics of development
Democratic politics

11. An intractable conflict? Northern Ireland: A need for pragmatism

John Darby

An intractable conflict?
A tractable conflict?

12. Political autonomy and conflict resolution: The Basque case

José Manuel Castells and Gurutz Jauregui

1 Introduction
2. Basque singularity
3. The significant political problems
4 The statute of autonomy
5 Autonomic praxis
6 Conclusion

13. Ethnic and racial groups in the USA: Conflict and cooperation

Mary C. Waters

Post-1965, immigration and the breakdown of the racial/ethnic dichotomy
Voluntary and involuntary minorities
The identities of the dominant groups
Identities and bias incidents
Incidents of bias in New York city
Howard beach
Competing perspectives, multiple realities

14. Ethnic conflicts and minority protection: Roles for the international community

Asbjørn Eide

1 Why should the international community be concerned with ethnic conflicts?
2. International roles in conflict prevention and resolution
3 Reconciling the humanist impulsion and the quest for a stable international order: Requirements by the international community on how to manage minority conflicts
4 Conclusions

15 The right to autonomy: Chimera or solution?

Hurst Hannum

Other titles of interest