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Other titles of interest

Mega-city Growth and the Future

Edited by Roland J. Fuchs, Ellen Brennan, Joseph Chamie, Fu-chen Lo, and Juha I. Uitto

This volume examines the major challenge of managing mega-cities with populations exceeding 8 million, two-thirds of them in developing countries, in the twenty-first century.

ISBN 92-808-0820-6
US$35, airmail US$42

Modelling Global Change

Edited by Lawrence R. Klein and Fu-chen Lo

The profound transformations occurring in the world's politics, economics, demography, technology, ecology, and ethics demand a means of evaluating and adjusting to these changes. This volume focuses on global modelling and simulation studies to examine world megatrends of change and response alternatives.

ISBN 92-808-0880-X
US$35, airmail US$42

Arms Reduction

Economic Implications in the Post-Cold War Era

Edited by Lawrence R. Klein, Fu-chen Lo, and Warwick J. McKibbin

The world's foremost experts in the economics of arms trade and global development issues describe the complex relations between military expenditures, conversion programmes, development, and demilitarization. They describe world trends in military spending of the 1980s and 90's, contemplate changes that might occur if the peace dividend of the end of the Cold War is realized, and draw attention to important questions about the economic and social costs/benefits of demilitarization.

ISBN 92-808-0881-8
US$35, airmail US$42

Urban Crime

Global Trends and Policies

Edited by Hernando Gomez Buendia

In eight case-studies of Bangkok, Bogota, Lagos, Nairobi, San José, Singapore, Tokyo, and Warsaw, the authors analyse crime trends, innovative measures to prevent and control crime, how criminal justice systems function, and juvenile delinquency.

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US$45, airmail US$52

PACIFIC ASIA is the fastest growing region in the world, and its very large cities - world cities - have been playing a critical part in spearheading economic growth and social and cultural transformation.

PACIFIC ASIA is the fastest growing region in the world, and its very large cities - world cities - have been playing a critical part in spearheading economic growth and social and cultural transformation.

This book focuses on the functional characteristics and linkage effects of Pacific Asia's world cities against the background of global economic restructuring since the 1980s. These cities are examined as individual entities, in their regional setting, and in the context of subregional cooperative development environments. Emphasis is placed on the functional importance and complexity of world cities the global and regional economies.

The book provides a comprehensive appraisal of the interplay between global structural adjustments and the changing role and configuration of Asia's world cities at the close of the twentieth century. This volume offers a rich mosaic of data, analyses, and conclusions that are of theoretical and policy interest to scholars, planners, and policy makers in Asia and elsewhere.

Fu-chen Lo is Senior Academic Officer at the United Nations University, Tokyo.

Yue-man Yeung is Professor of Geography and Director of the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

United Nations
University Press


ISBN 92-808-0907-5
03500 P

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