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Chang, Sen-dou (1991), "Urban Growth and Regional Development in the Yellow Sea Rim." In: Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements and Asia-Pacific Institute of China, Report on Regional Development in the Yellow Sea Rim. Honolulu, Hawaii: Population Institute, East-West Center, pp. 321-335.

Cheng, Lin (1991), A Guide to the Economic Development and Cooperation in China's Bohai Coastal Region. Beijing: CITIC Publishing House.

Eberstadt, Nicholas and Judith Banister (1991), North Korea: Population Trends and Prospects. Washington, D.C.: Center for International Research, US Bureau of the Census.

Fujita, Masahisa and Ryoichi Ishii (1991), Global Economic Restructuring and Urbanization Processes in East Asia: An Overview. Research Report 91, no. 1, Kitakyushu: International Centre for the Study of East Asia Development.

Kim, Won Bae (1991a), "Yellow Sea Economic Zone: Vision or Reality?" Paper presented at the International Seminar on Regional Development in the Yellow Sea Rim, organized by the Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (Korea), the State Science and Technology Commission (China), and the East-West Center (USA), Seoul, Korea.

_____(1991b), "The Future of Coastal Development in the Yellow Sea Rim." In: Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements and Asia-Pacific Institute of China, Report on Regional Development in the Yellow Sea Rim. Honolulu, Hawaii: Population Institute, East-West Center.

Meier, R. L., W. E. Smith, and A. Hoggartt (1990), Pacific Rim research proposal (draft), "Responses to the Globally Catastrophic Collapse of Japanese Land Price Bubble." University of California, Berkeley.

Papaioannou, John G. (1970), "Future Urbanization Pattern: A Long-range, Worldwide View," EKISTICS 29, no. 175:372.

Sekiguchi, Sueo (1991), "Direct Foreign Investment and the Yellow Sea Rim." Paper presented at the International Seminar on Regional Development in the Yellow Sea Rim, organized by the Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (Korea), the State Science and Technology Commission (China), and the East-West Center (USA), Seoul, Korea.

Smith, Michael P. (ed.) (1989), Pacific Rim Cities in the World Economy. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers.

Whebell, C. F. J. (1969), "Corridor: A Theory of Urban Structure," Annals of the Association of American Geographers 59(1): 1-26.

Yoon, Chang-Bun and Soo-Seung Lee (1990), "A Framework of Asia-Pacific Cooperation in Telecommunications." Paper prepared for PECC Triple T Task Force Workshop, Honolulu, Hawaii.

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