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Analysis of the impact of macro-events on women and the role of women in determining changes in the household is important for a better understanding of society. In conducting such an analysis, the adoption of the life-course approach, both in retrospective and perspective terms, is particularly useful to identify changing relationships among individuals within the same household and the long-term implications that these changes have on the structure of society.

On this basis, the Household, Gender, and Age Project of the United Nations University conducted between 1983 and 1988 a series of case-studies in Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Kenya, China, and Sri Lanka. After introducing the genesis of the HGA project, its research activities, and the methodology adopted, this volume presents a synthesis of the results of the project research.


The United Nations University is grateful to the Division for the Advancement of Women, United Nations Office at Vienna, for its editorial contributions that have helped to make possible the publication of this volume.

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