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Technological capabilities

As we noted above, the use and assimilation of new technologies presuppose the existence of a minimum of technological capabilities in developing countries to choose, acquire, generate, and apply technologies that are suited to their development objectives. Such capabilities would determine the rates and patterns of development and industrialization. Though the concept is somewhat elusive, it is clear that capabilities cannot be acquired overnight and that they will vary over time and space.

Technological capabilities can also vary between sectors [73, 21]. In the industrial sector, the elements of technology capability - production engineering, manufacture of capital goods, and research and development, etc. - are different from those essential for the services sector, for example [16]. Technological capabilities may exist in both large and small industrial sectors.

On the basis of sample surveys undertaken in capital cities and larger towns in Asia (India, Bangladesh, and Thailand), Latin America (Ecuador and Peru), and Africa (Mali and Rwanda), an examination of technological capabilities in the small-scale informal sector of developing countries found, contrary to expectations, that even very small metal-working production units possess some capacity to adapt and modify tools and equipment. In some cases, these units demonstrate an indigenous capacity and ingenuity to manufacture simple equipment [43].

In general, technology capabilities in developing countries, whether considered in macro terms or in terms of elements, would depend on such factors as: adequate number and quality of human resources with practical experience, skills, and aptitude; useful technological information on sources and conditions of technology transfer; institutions for education and training, for research and development, and for engineering design and consultancy; favourable natural environment and factor endowments, attitudes and customs, etc. [23].

A pioneering piece of work by Enos [21] puts the concept and practice of technology capability in a macro perspective of growth modelling. It reviews existing models that try to incorporate elements of technology capability. On the basis of this review, Enos develops a model that incorporates the creation of skills over time. Three fundamental components of technological capability are identified: individuals embodying skills, training, and experience and inclination; institutions within which individuals are assembled; and a "common purpose" defined in terms of objectives and motivations. The last may or may not relate to national development objectives. Since capabilities vary at different levels of aggregation - micro, sectoral, and macro - it is possible that capabilities and common purpose of a few individuals do not fully correspond to national development objectives and may even be in conflict with them.

Prospects for the 1990s

Prospects for technology work in the 1990s will depend on the scenarios regarding the strategies and prospects of development in the third world. The Fourth Development Decade of the United Nations gives a prominent place to human resources development and employment generation. Similarly, the UNDP has adopted human development as a major goal for its development efforts [67].

If the development of human capabilities and potential is the goal of the current decade, technology policies and programmes would need to be considered in the context of achieving this goal. The focus of technology research may have to shift from the embodied technical change to disembodied technical change, and from processes and products to individuals and institutions necessary to promote their capabilities.

Although some work on building technological capabilities has already been done, our understanding of the nature and the magnitude of the task of creating it is still far from adequate. Enos [21] states "the economists' efforts to promote appropriate technology took for granted the environment in the developing countries and imagined techniques to be variable: the current efforts to stimulate technological capability take technology for granted and imagine the environment to be variable." A change in this environment would be necessary to improve the latent human potential to raise the level of capabilities in the developing countries. Also, to what extent is the technological capability of a country an intermediate input to the achievement of objectives, and to what extent is it an output? Do liberal technology imports facilitate or hinder a country's efforts to develop indigenous technology capabilities? Despite some empirical research, this question remains unanswered. Further efforts are needed to document and analyse critically the developing country experiences in this regard. It may be useful to compare and contrast open and closed economies to examine their experience of building indigenous technology capabilities over time.

In the 1990s, the new technological challenge will continue, with increasing innovations and new breakthroughs in such new technologies as biotechnologies, new materials, and information technology. An analysis of these technologies and their contributions to human as well as material development (through greater food security made possible by new biotechnologies) would merit further attention.

The structural adjustment measures introduced in the 1980s are also likely to continue. As a result of these measures, in many developing countries large numbers of people are being pushed into small and micro-enterprises to make a living. Can new technologies, through greater flexibility in production (so-called flexible specialization), enable a more successful small-scale industrialization than has been possible in the third world in the past? Are flexible specialization and small-batch production universal phenomena, or are they likely to be confined, at least in the 1990s, only to the industrialized countries? Answers to these questions require further investigation.

Under the influence of new industrial technologies, new macroeconomic policies and structural adjustment programmer, and new methods of industrial organization, the labour markets in both industrialized and developing countries are going to become more flexible. Informalization of the labour market and production is already being witnessed in the form of increases in casual employment, part-time and self-employment, flexible working hours, etc. The possible impact of new technologies on the informalization of work remains to be explored. Our knowledge about their impact on skill formation and substitution is also quite limited. Do new technologies have a capacity to enhance skills and resources? Under what circumstances can new technologies and blending raise overall employment? Are there trade-offs between direct and indirect employment effects of new technologies? This area of research is highly relevant to implementing the kind of strategy of human development noted above.

The enquiry into technology blending, started by the ILO World Employment Programme in the 1980s, needs further conceptual refinements and more empirical testing. What are the prerequisites for the developing countries to adopt a policy of blending? Under conditions of labour surplus, would it be economically feasible and socially desirable to apply new technologies in the place of traditional or conventional technologies?

The cost comparisons of alternative technologies including new technologies are very rare. Yet for developing country policy makers, it is important to know whether it is cost-effective to apply new technologies, which invariably have to be imported using scarce foreign exchange.

The 1990s may also witness a decline in the R&D resources allocated to technology development in the third world. This is likely to happen under the stringent application of structural adjustment programmes, since the results of R&D are essentially long term and often uncertain. What implications is this likely to have for the new technology diffusion within the developing countries and for the technological gaps between countries?

Within the third world, great heterogeneity prevails. It is therefore quite likely that technological gaps will also widen within this group of countries. The differential impact of new technologies by subgroups of developing countries is another area for future research.


1 Anandakrishnan, M. et al. "Microcomputers in Schools in Developing Countries." In: Bhalla and James, eds. See ref. 12.

2 Atkinson, A.B., and J.B. Stiglitz. "A New View of Technological Change." Economic Journal 79 (September 1969).

3 Bessant, J., and S. Cole. Stacking the Chips - Information Technology and the Distribution of Income. London: Frances Pinter, 1985.

4 Bhalla, A.S. "Investment Allocation and Technological Choice." Economic Journal (September 1964)

5 Bhalla, A.S. "The Third World's Technological Dilemma." Labour and Society 9 (October-December 1984), no. 4.

6 Bhalla, A.S. ed. Technology and Employment in Industry. Geneva: ILO, 1975, 1981, 1985.

7 Bhalla, A.S. Towards Global Action for Appropriate Technology. Oxford: Pergamon, 1979.

8 Bhalla, A.S. Environment, Employment and Development. Geneva: 11.0, 1992.

9 Bhalla, A.S. et al., eds. Blending of New and Traditional Technologies. Dublin: Tycooly, 1984.

10 Bhalla, A.S., and D. James. "Technological Blending: Frontier Technology in Traditional Economic Sectors." Journal of Economic Issues (June 1986).

11 Bhalla, A.S., and D. James. "Integrating New Technologies with Traditional Economic Activities in Developing Countries: An Evaluative Look at 'Technology Blending'. Journal of Developing Areas (July 1991).

12 Bhalla, A.S., and D. James. eds. New Technologies and Development: Experiences in Technology Blending. Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner, 1988.

13 Colombo, U. "Technology Blending as an Instrument in the Rejuvenation of Traditional Sectors: The Italian Experience and Its Relevance to the Third World." In: U. Colombo and K. Oshima, eds. Technology Blending: An Appropriate Response to Development. London: Tycooly, 1989.

14 Colombo, U., and D. Mazzonis. "Integration of Old and New Technologies in the Italian (Prato) Textile Industry." In: Bhalla et al., eds. See ref. 9.

15 Colombo, U., D. Mazzonis, and G. Lanzavecchia. "Co-operative Organisation and Constant Modernisation of the Textile Industry at Prato, Italy." In: E.U. von Weizsäcker, M.S. Swaminathan, and A. Lemma, eds. New Frontiers in Technology Application - Integration of Emerging and Traditional Technologies. Dublin: Tycooly, 1983.

16 Dahlman, C., and L. Westphal. "The Meaning of Technological Mastery in Relation to Transfer of Technology." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 458 (November 1981).

17 Dobb, M.H. "Second Thoughts on Capital Intensity of Investment." Review of Economic Studies 24 (1956), no. 1.

18 Eckaus, R.S. "The Factor Proportion Problem in Underdeveloped Areas." American Economic Review 45 (1955).

19 Eckaus, R.S. Appropriate Technologies for Developing Countries. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences, 1977.

20 Enos, J.L. "More (or Less) on the Choice of Technique, with a Contemporary Example." Seoul National University Economic Review (December 1977): 177-199.

21 Eckaus, R.S. The Creation of Technology Capability in Developing Countries. London: Frances Pinter, 1991.

22 Forsyth, D., N. McBain, and R. Solomon. "Technical Rigidity and Appropriate Technology in Less Developed Countries." World Development 8 (May-June 1980).

23 Fransman, M., and K. King, eds. Indigenous Technological Capability in the Third World. London: Macmillan, 1984.

24 Freeman, C. "Prometheus Unbound." Futures (1983), no. 15.

25 Galal, E.E. "Application of Micro-Computers in Primary Health Delivery Services in Egypt." In: Bhalla and James, eds. See ref. 12.

26 Galenson, W., and H. Leibenstein. "Investment Criteria, Productivity and Economic Development." Quarterly Journal of Economics (August 195S).

27 Galtung, Johan. Development, Environment, Technology - Towards a Technology for Self-reliance. Geneva: UNCTAD, 1979.

28 Galtung, Johan. The North/South Debate: Technology, Basic Human Needs and the New International Economic Order. World Order Models Project Working Paper no. 12, 1980.

29 Haggblade, S., and P. Hazell." Agricultural Technology and Farm-Non-farm Growth Linkages." Agricultural Economics 3 (1989).

30 ILO. Towards Full Employment: A Programme for Colombia. Geneva: ILO, 1970.

31 ILO Socioeconomic Effects of New Technologies. Report 2, ILO Advisory Committee on Technology, First Session. Geneva: ILO, 1985.

32 James, J. "Products, Processes and Incomes: Cotton Clothing in India." World Development (February 1976).

33 James, J. The Employment and Income Distributional Impact of Microelectronics: A Prospective Analysis for the Third World. ILO/WEP Research Working Paper Series WEP2-22/WP153. Geneva: ILO, 1985.

34 James, J. "The Role of Appropriate Technology in a Redistributive Strategy." In: James and Watanabe, eds. See ref. 36.

35 James, J., and F. Stewart. "New Products: A Discussion of the Welfare Effects of the Introduction of New Products in Developing Countries." Oxford Economic Papers (March 1981).

36 James, J., and S. Watanabe, eds. Technology, Institutions and Government Policies. London: Macmillan, 1985.

37 Kaplinsky, R. Microelectronics and Employment Revisited - A Review. Geneva: ILO, 1987.

38 Kaplinsky, R. "Review of 'New Technologies and Development (1988)'." Journal of International Development (April 1989).

39 Kaplinsky, R. The Economies of Small: Appropriate Technology in a Changing World. London: Intermediate Technology Publications, 1990.

40 Khan, H.A. "Technology Choice in the Energy and Textile Sectors in the Republic of Korea." In: A.S. Bhalla, ed. Technology and Employment in Industry. Geneva: ILO, 1985.

41 Khan, H.A., and E. Thorbecke. Macroeconomic Effects and Diffusion of Alternative Technologies with a Social Accounting Matrix Framework. Aldershot: Gower, 1988.

42 Lall, S. Learning to Industrialise: The Acquisition of Technological Capability in India. London: Macmillan, 1987.

43 Maldonado, C., and S. Sethuraman, eds. Technological Capability in the Informal Sector: Metal Manufacturing in Developing Countries. Geneva: ILO, 1992.

44 Mitra, A.K. "Interlinkage in Agricultural Machinery Industry for Rural Industrialization in Developing Countries." In: UNIDO, ed. Appropriate Industrial Technology for Agricultural Machinery and Implements, part 2. New York: United Nations, 1979.

45 Morawetz, D. "Employment implications of Industrialization in Developing Countries - A Survey." Economic Journal 84 (1974).

46 Pereira, Armand. Technology Policy for Environmental Sustainability and for Employment and Income Generation: Conceptual and Methodological Issues. ILO Working Paper Series WEP 2-22, no. 215. Geneva: ILO, 1991.

47 Perez, C. "Microelectronics, Long Waves and Structural Change: New Perspectives for Developing Countries." World Development 13 (1985), no. 3.

48 Pickett. James. "The Choice of Technology in Developing Countries." World Development 5 (special issue) (September-October 1977), nos. 9--16.

49 Piore, M.J., and C.F. Sabel. The Second Industrial Divide: Possibility for Prosperity. New York: Basic Books, 1984.

50 Ranis, G. "Rural Linkages and Choice of Technology." In: Stewart, Thomas, and de Wilde, eds. See ref. 62.

51 Rhee, Y.W., and L. Westphal. "A Micro, Econometric Investigation of Choice of Technology." Journal of Development Economics 4 (September 1977), no. 3.

52 Rosenberg, N.L. "New Technologies and Old Debates." In Bhalla and James, eds. See ref. 12.

53 Schmitz, H. Flexible Specialisation: A New Paradigm of Small-Scale Industrialisation? IDS Discussion Paper, no. 261. May 1989. Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, 1989.

54 Schumacher, E.F. Small is Beautiful. London: Sphere, 1973.

55 Sen, A. "Some Notes on the Choice of Capital Intensity in Development Planning." Quarterly Journal of Economics (November 1957).

56 Sen, A. Choice of Techniques. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1960.

57 Sen, A. Employment, Technology and Development. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975.

58 Silberston, A. "Economies of Scale in Theory and Practice." Economic Journal 82 (March 1972).

59 Stewart, F. Technology and Underdevelopment. London: Macmillan, 1977.

60 Stewart, F. ed. Macro-policies for Appropriate Technology in Developing Countries. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1987.

61 Stewart, F. eds. The Economics of New Technologies in Developing Countries. London: Frances Pinter, 1982.

62 Stewart, F., H. Thomas, and T. de Wilde, eds. The Other Policy - The Influence of Policies on Technology Choice and Small Enterprise Development. London: Intermediate Technology Publications, 1990.

63 Strassmann, W. "Creative Destruction and Partial Obsolescence in American Economic Development." Journal of Economic History (September 1959).

64 Teitel, S. "On the Concept of Appropriate Technology for Less Industrialised Countries." Technological Forecasting and Social Change 11 (1978).

65 Timmer, C.P. et al. The Choice of Technology in Developing Countries: Some Cautionary Tales. Harvard Studies in International Affairs, no. 32. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1975.

66 Tokman, V.E. "Distribution of Income, Technology and Employment: An Analysis of the Industrial Sector of Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela." World Development 2 (1974), nos 10-12.

67 UNDP. Human Development Report. London: Oxford University Press, 1990.

68 Van Ginneken, W., and C. Baron. Appropriate Products, Employment and Technology - Case Studies on Consumer Choice and Basic Needs in Developing Countries. London: Macmillan, 1984.

69 Watanabe, S. "Institutional Factors, Government Policies and Appropriate Technologies." International Labour Review 119 (March-April 1980), no. 2.

70 Watanabe, S. Technology, Marketing and Industrialisation. New Delhi: Macmillan, 1983.

71 White, L.J. "The Evidence on Appropriate Factor Proportions for Manufacturing in Less Developed Countries: A Survey." Economic Development and Cultural Change (October 1978).

72 Willoughby, Kelvin W. Technology Choice - A Critique of the Appropriate Technology Movement. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1990.

73 Zahlan, A.B. Acquiring Technological Capacity: A Study of Arab Contracting and Consulting Firms London: Macmillan, 1990.

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