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The "second-generation" statistical manuals

At this point, the shopping list of R&D and innovation statisticians, recently itemized by OECD at a meeting on "Consequences of the Technology Economy Programme for the Development of Indicators," is becoming even more intricate and sophisticated. In addition to the ongoing fourth revision and subsequent expansion of the OECD standard practice for surveys of R&D (the Frascati Manual), three new statistical manuals are being launched by the OECD in close cooperation with national statistical agencies and professional user groups. Experts from the European Community and Unesco are participating as well.

First, at the international level, there is a proposed standard method of compiling and interpreting technology balance-of-payments data. Following the statistical deliberations on dynamic trade relationships, the "TBP Manual" [32] can be looked upon as a forerunner in a series of "second-generation" handbooks on the measurement of scientific, technical, and other innovative activity. These new handbooks link together input, output, and impact indicators in order to better describe and situate innovative activities, in this case the international transfer of technology. Various existing measures of output (e.g. patents and the technology balance of payments) and of impacts (trade in science-based or technology-intensive products and productivity indices) are combined with both economic statistics and new types of R&D data that are drawn from, e.g., bibliometric studies and innovation surveys. Experimental studies of this kind have been conducted by national statistical agencies, but the "TBP Manual" should make possible cross-country studies based also on long time series of data.

Secondly, a manual dealing with surveys of innovative activity in industry is in the making (the "Oslo Manual": [36]). This manual goes far beyond the scope of the Frascati Manual by including a whole set of the indicators discussed earlier in this chapter.

Thirdly, with a more limited scope, a science and technology human resource manual is being developed to facilitate internationally comparable statistics on highly qualified manpower.

On top of this, as an extension of the Frascati Manual, a guideline for the interpretation of bibliometric data is being improved by OECD consultants. Bibliometric methods such as publication counts, citations, co-authorships. and co-work analysis are used for analysing the output of the R&D system. Hence, bibliometric techniques may be useful in evaluating the productivity of individuals, teams of researchers, laboratories, or even national R&D institutions, but they may also be relevant for the tracing of linkages between fields and/or researchers and, combined with other indicators, between science and technology.

For the further development of R&D and innovation indicators in a standard format at least four criteria must be used. The first criterion concerns the real demand or significant importance of the proposed indicators. Will it permit analysis and policy conclusion over and above what can already be done through existing indicators? The second criterion is quality, which is based on theoretical soundness, validity, and operational value. If the indicator is to serve as a basis for policy decisions it must also be reliable and, maybe also, internationally comparable. The third criterion is linked to appropriateness for the users and adaptability to the relevant socioeconomic objective or the development stage in relation to the innovation process. The fourth criterion is availability, which links resource efficiency in the processing of data, timeliness, and realizability of the statistical task [34, table 2].

Taken together, the three international manuals of R&D and innovation statistics should help to improve a "second-level" analytical database to provide a comparative "scoreboard of indicators" of scientific, technological, and other innovative activities in relation to economic performance. This database, which is being created and maintained within the OECD "structural analysis programme," referred to as the "STAN Programme," is to become operational in the early 1990s. It should allow for internationally comparative measurements of links between science, technology, competitiveness, and structural change. Such analytical studies could examine determinants of international competitiveness, the contribution of technology to productivity, and growth patterns at the level of industrial branches or subsectors [33]. Nevertheless, much remains to be done to achieve international comparability.


1 Annerstedt, Jan. A Survey of World Research and Development Efforts: The Distribution of Human and Financial Resources to Research and Experimental Development in 1973. Paris: OECD Development Centre, and Roskilde: Roskilde University Center, Institute of Economics and Planning, 1979.

2 Annerstedt, Jan. "The World Research System: The Distribution of Human and Financial Resources Devoted to Research and Experimental Development in the 1960s and the 1970s." Department of Theme Research, Linköping University, Linköping, 1981. Unpublished report, 84 pp.

3 Annerstedt, Jan. "The Global R&D System: Where is the Third World?" In: Annerstedt and Jamison, eds., pp. 129-141. See ref. 4.

4 Annerstedt, Jan, and Andrew Jamison, eds. From Research Policy to Social Intelligence. London: Macmillan, 1988.

5 Archibugi, Daniele. "In Search of a Useful Measure of Technological Innovation (To Make Economists Happy without Discontenting Technologists)." Technological Forecasting and Social Change 34 (1988): 253-277.

6 Arregui, Patricia McLauchlan de. Indicadores comparativos de los resultados de la investigación científica y tecnológica en America Latina. Documentos de Trabajo de GRADE, no. 2. Lima, Peru: GRADE, 1988.

7 Basberg, Bjørn L. "Patents and the Measurement of Technological Change: A Survey of the Literature." Research Policy 16 (1987): 131-141.

8 Bernal, J. D. The Social Function of Science. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1939. Reprint. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1967.

9 Callon, Michel, John Law, and Arie Rip, eds. Mapping the Dynamics of Science. London: Macmillan, 1986.

10 CMEA. "Statistics on Science." In: Basic Methodological Concepts on Statistics, vol. 2, pp. 356-383. Moscow: CMEA, 1980.

11 Dedijer, Stevan. "Scientific Research and Development: A Comparative Study." Nature 187 (1960), no. 4736: 458-461.

12 Dedijer, Stevan. "International Comparisons of Science." New Scientist 21 (1964), no. 379: 461-464.

13 Dedijer, Stevan. "The Future of Research Policies." In: L.W. Bass and B.S. Old, eds. Formulation of Research Policies. American Association for the Advancement of Science, no. 87, pp. 141-162, Washington, D.C.

14 Dedijer, Stevan. "Wanted: A World Handbook of Research and Development Statistics." Minerva 7 (196811969), nos 1, 2: 88-91.

15 Dunn, William N. et al. "The Architecture of Knowledge Systems: Toward Policy-relevant Science Impact Indicators." Knowledge: Creation, Diffusion, Utilization 9 (1987), no. 2: 205-232.

16 Elkana, Y. et al., eds. Toward a Metric of Science: The Advent of Science Indicators. New York: John Wiley, 1978.

17 Freeman, Christopher. "Quantitative and Qualitative Factors in National Policies for Science and Technology." In: Annerstedt and Jamison, eds., pp. 114-128. See ref. 4.

18 Freeman, Christopher, and Alison Young. The Research and Development Effort in Western Europe, North America and the Soviet Union. Paris: OECD, 1965.

19 Gostkowski, Z. Integrated Approach to Indicators for Science and Technology (CSR-S-21), Current Surveys and Research in Statistics. Paris: Unesco, Division of Statistics on Science and Technology, 1986.

20 ICSPS (International Council for Science Policy Studies). Science and Technology in Developing Countries: Strategies for the 90s, A Report to UNESCO. Paris: Unesco, 1992.

21 Madeuf, Bernadette. Technology Indicators and Developing Countries. UNCTAD/ITP/TEC/19. Geneva: UNCTAD, 1991.

22 Mindeli, L., ed. Research and Development in the USSR: Data Book 1990. Moscow: Centre of Science Research and Statistics, 1992.

23 Norman, Colin. The Cod That Limps: Science and Technology in the Eighties. New York/London: W. W. Norton, for Worldwatch Institute, 1981.

24 OECD. Science, Economic Growth and Government Policy. Paris: OECD, 1963.

25 OECD. The Measurement of Scientific and Technical Activities: Proposed Standard Practice for Surveys of Research and Experimental Development (Frascati Manual). Paris: OECD, 1981.

26 OECD. OECD Science and Technology Indicators: Resources Devoted to R&D. Paris: OECD, 1984.

27 OECD. Science and Technology Policy Outlook: 1985. Paris: OECD, 1985.

28 OECD. Main Science and Technology Indicators, 1981-87. Paris: OECD, 1988.

29 OECD. The Measure of High Technology: Existing Methods and Possible Improvements. DSTI/IP/88.43. Paris: OECD Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry, 1988.

30 OECD. The Measurement of Scientific and Technical Activities: R&D Statistics and Output Measurement in the Higher Education Sector (Frascati Manual Supplement). Paris: OECD, 1989.

31 OECD. Main Science and Technology Indicators. Nos. 90-91. Paris: OECD, 1990

32 OECD. The Measurement of Scientific and Technological Activities: Proposed Standard Method of Compiling and Interpreting Technology Balance of Payments Data ("TBP Manual"). Paris: OECD, Technological and Industrial Indicators Division, 1990.

33 OECD. Competitiveness and Structural Adjustment: Progress Report on the STAN Database and Analytical Studies. DSTI/STIID. Paris: OECD, 1990.

34 OECD. Current Problems Relating to Science, Technology, and Industry Indicators. Paris: OECD, 1990.

35 OECD. A User's Guide to the Status and Access of the Structural Analysis Databases. Paris: OECD, 1992.

36 OECD. OECD Proposed Guidelines for Collecting and Interpreting Technological Innovation Data ("Oslo Manual"). GD 92 (26). Paris: OECD, Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry. 1992.

37 PECC (Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference). Pacific Science and Technology Profile, 1992. Singapore: Pacific Economic Cooperation Council, 1992.

38 Raan, Anthony F. J. van, ed. Handbook of Quantitative Studies of Science and Technology. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, 1988.

39 Raan, Anthony F. J. van, A. J. Nederhof, and H. F. Moed, eds. Science and Technology Indicators: Their Use in Science Policy and Their Role in Science Studies. Leiden: DSWO, n.d.

40 Rothschild, Lord. "Forty-five Varieties of Research (and Development)." Nature 239 (1972): 373-378.

41 Sagasti, F. R., and C. Cook. Tiempos dificiles: ciencia y tecnología en América Latina durante el decenio de 1980. Lima: GRADE, 1985.

42 Sagasti, F. R., F. Chaparro et al. Un decenio de transición: ciencia y tecnología en América Latina y el Caribe durante el decenio de los setenta. Lima: GRADE, 1983.

43 Sharif, M. Nawaz. "Measurement of Technology for National Development." Technology Forecasting and Social Change 29 (1986): 119-172

44 Sirilli, Giorgio. "Conceptual and Methodological Problems in the Development of Science and Technology Indicators." In: Hiroko Morita-Lou, ed. Science and Technology Indicators for Development. The United Nations Science and Technology for Development Series. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1985, pp. 188-197.

45 Sirilli, Giorgio. Models and Indicators for Science and Technology: A View to the 1990s. Rome: National Research Council, Institute for Studies on Scientific Research and Documentation, 1990.

46 Soete, L. et al. Recent Comparative Trends in Technology Indicators in the OECD Area. DSTI/SPR/89-7. Paris: OECD, 1989.

47 STI Indicators Newsletter. Paris: OECD, Scientific, Technological and Industrial Indicators Division.

48 Torero, Maximo, and Patricia McLauchlan de Arregui. Publicar y/o morir: la productividad e impacto de la investigación cientifica en América Latina. Lima: GRADE, 1990.

49 Unesco. Statistics on Research and Experimental Development in African Countries. Paris: Unesco, 1974.

50 Unesco Statistics on Scientific and Technological Manpower and Expenditure for Research and Development in Arab Countries. Paris: Unesco, 1976.

51 Unesco Guide to Statistics on Science and Technology. ST.84/WS/19. Paris: Unesco, Division of Statistics on Science and Technology, 1984.

52 Unesco Statistical Questionnaire on Scientific Research and Experimental Development. STCC/Q/882, STCC/Q/8901. Paris: Unesco, 1984.

53 Unesco Annotated Accessions List of Studies and Reports in the Field of Science Statistics. ST.90/WS/7. Paris: Unesco, 1990.

54 Unesco Statistical Digest 1990: A Statistical Summary of Data on Education, Science and Technology, Culture and Communication, by Country. Paris: Unesco, 1990.

55 Unesco Estimation of World Resources Devoted to Research and Experimental Development: 1980 and 1985, Current Surveys and Research in Statistics. CSR-S-25. Paris: Unesco, Division of Statistics, 1991.

56 Westholm, Gunnar. "La science dans le monde." In: Georges Ferné, ed. Science, pouvoir et argent. Paris: Autrement, 1993.

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