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Saneh Chamarik was born in 1927. He holds a Bachelor of Law degree from the University of Moral and Political Sciences, Bangkok, Thailand, and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Manchester University, United Kingdom. From 1950 to 1960 he was in the Political Department of the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From 196() to 1987 he was a member of the Faculty of Political Science, Thammasat University. In 1975 and 1976 he was Vice-Rector of Thammasat University. Dr Chamarik was the President of the Social Science Association of Thailand from 1982 to 1985 and in the same years he was also the Director of the Thai Khadi Research Institute at Thammasat University. In 1985 Dr Chamarik was appointed Trustee of the Thailand Development Research lnstitute, which office he continues to hold. His publications include Buddhism ant Human Rights (1979), Some Thoughts on Human Rights Protection and Promotion, Thai Politics and Education (1980, in Thai), and Thai Politics and Constitutional Development (1983, in Thai).

Tom J. Farer is Professor of Law and International Relations at the American University in Washington, D.C., and Professor of Law at the University of New Mexico, where he previously served as University President. He has taught at Columbia, Princeton, Rutgers, and the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, He has been an adviser to the commander of the Police Force of the Somali Republic and a special assistant respectively to the General Counsel of the US Department of Defense and the US Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs. He was for eight years a member of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the OAS and served for two terms as Commission President. He has been a fellow of the Smithsonian Institution's Wilson Center. His books include Warclouds on the Horn of Africa, The Grand Strategy of the United States in Latin America, and US Ends and Means in Central America.

Amilcar O. Herrera is Director of the Institute of Geosciences and Centre of Science and Technology Policy of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil. Currently, he is also the Coordinator of the Technological Prospective for Latin America Project, sponsored by the UNU and IDRC. Dr Herrera has been associated with the University of Buenos Aires, the University of Chile, and the University of Sussex (SPRU), as well as the Fundacion Bariloche in Argentina and the United Nations University. He worked in the field of Economic Geology and National Resources at the University of Buenos Aires until 1969, and later worked in the field of Science and Technology Policy. In addition, he has been the Director of the Latin American World Model, made as an answer to the MIT model "The Limits of Growth." Dr Herrera has written extensively and has published books and articles on economic geology and science and technology policy.

Yo Kubota was born in 1951. Human rights research suffered a serious loss with his untimely death while on UN duty in Namibia. He was formerly a Lecturer in Law at Nihon University and held the position of Human Rights Officer under the United Nations Organization from January 1981 He served as Secretary to the United Nations Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, the UN Working Group on Contemporary Forms of Slavery, and other bodies in the United Nations Centre for Human Rights. He was also a visiting Professor at Meiji University School of Law and the Hosei University School of Law in Tokyo. He was the Rapporteur to the Steering Committee of the United Nations University on Science and Technology and Human Rights. Dr Kubota was the author of several books and a number of articles in the fields of human rights and international law.

Shigeru Nakayama was born in Japan in 1928 and graduated from the Department of Astronomy, University of Tokyo in 1951. He worked with Thomas Kuhn at Harvard University end Joseph Needham at Cambridge University. He was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Harvard University in 1959 for his work on the history of science and learning. Dr Nakayama is currently a Professor of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Tokyo. His published work includes work on the development of knowledge and the future of research.

Vid B. Vukasovic is Research Fellow at the Institute of International Politics and Economics in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. From 1984 to 1987 he was Head of the International Law Department. He has taken part in a number of research projects, conferences, etc., on both national and international levels, either in his private capacity or as a governamental expert or representative of professional associations, among them the International Law Association and the Yugoslav Law Association. He has lectured widely and been a member of various boards of editors. Dr Vukasovic's books include International Law and the Development of Science and Technology (Belgrade, 1978), Protection and Improvement of the Environment (Belgrade, 1980), and Environmental Protection and the United Nations (Belgrade, 1985). Dr Vukasovic has published many articles and other shorter works dealing with environmental protection, development of science and technology, human rights, the work of international organizations, and related subjects.

C.G. Weeramantry was a Judge of the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka from 1967 to 1972, and since 1972 has been Professor of Law at Monash University, Melbourne. He is currently the Chairman of the Commission of Inquiry into the Rehabilitation of the Workedout Phosphate Lands in Nauru. He is a Doctor of Laws of the University of London, and an Associate Academician of the International Academy of Comparative Law. His published works include The Contracts, being a Comparative Study of Roman-Dutch, English and Customary Law relating to Contracts (2 vols.); The Law in Crisis; Equality and Freedom: Some Third World Perspectives; Apartheid: The Closing Phases?; The Slumbering Sentinels: Law and Human Rights in the Wake of Technology Human Rights in Japan; Law: The Threatened Peripheries; An Invitation to the Law; Nuclear Weapons and Scientific Responsibility; and Islamic Jurisprudence- Some International Perspectives.

Hiroko Yamane studied Political Science and Law at Tokyo University as well as Yale University, the University of Paris, and other institutions of higher learning She has been on the staff of the Division of Human Rights and Peace at Unesco since 1978. Dr Yamane has been Associate Professor of International Law and International Relations at Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo, since 1987.

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