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1. F. M. Burnet, 'Concepts of Autoimmune Disease and Their Implications for Therapy', in C. E. Lyght (ed.), Reflections on Research and the Future of Medicine (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967), pp. 9-24.

2. J. H. Knowles (ed.), Doing Better and Feeling Worse: Health in the United States (New York: W. W. Norton, 1977).

3. L. Dossey, 'Space, Time and Medicine', ReVision, 1982, 5, pp. 50-62.

4. M. L. Kothari and Lopa A. Mehta, The Nature of Cancer (Bombay: Kothari Medical Publications, 1973).

5. M. L. Kothari and Lopa A. Mehta, Cancer: Myths and Realities of Cause and Cure (London: Marion Boyars, 1979).

6. J. Hixson, The Patchwork Mouse: Politics and Intrigue in the Campaign to Conquer Cancer (New York: Anchor Doubleday, 1976).

7. V. E. Frankl, The Doctor and the Soul: From Psychotherapy to Logotherapy (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973).

8. R. D. Guttman, 'Renal Transplantation', New England journal of Medicine, 1979, 301, pp. 1038-48, 975-82.

9. D. Horrobin, 'In Praise of Non-Experts', New Scientist, 1982, 94, pp. 842-4.

10. A. Relman, 'Comments on Forces Reshaping America', U.S. News and World Report, 1984.

11. Jean Mockbee, 'Mercy Killing' (letter), Time, 16 September 1985, p. 2.

12. J. A. Raeburn, 'Antibiotics and Immunodeficiency', Lancet, 1972, 2, pp. 954-6

13. A. J. Smith, 'Personal Viewpoint: David and Goliath', Medical Journal of Australia, 1983, 2, pp. 291-2.

14. M. N. G. Dukes, 'The Seven Pillars of Foolishness', in Side Effects of Drugs Annual, 8 (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1984), pp. xvii-xxiii.

15. E. H. Erikson, 'The Golden Rule and the Cycle of Life', in R. J. Bulger (ed.), Hippocrates Revisited (New York: Medcom, 1973), pp. 181-92.

16. W. Alvarez, Incurable Physician: An Autobiography (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1963).

17. G. E. Robbins, M. C. Macdonald, and G. T. Pack, 'Delay in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Physicians with Cancer', Cancer, 1953, 6, pp. 624-6.

18. Editorial, 'If I had', British Medical Journal, 1978, I, p. 874.

19. H. A. F. Dudley, 'If I had Carcinoma of the Middle Third of the Rectum', British Medical Journal, 1978, I, pp. 1035-7.

20. J. P. Kassirer, and S. G. Pauker, 'The Toss-Up', New England Journal of Medicine, 1981, 305, pp. 1467-9.

21. Nergis Dalal, 'Slaughter at the Altar of Science', The Times of India, 23 August 1981, p. 1.

22. A. A. Rubin (ed.), Search for New Drugs (New York: Marcel Dekker, 1972).

23. S. K. Pandya, 'Book review of Sushruta Samhita (A Scientific Synopsis)', Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, 1985, 31, pp. 180-1.

24. G. Pickering, 'Degenerative Diseases: Past, Present and Future', in C. E. Lyght (ed.), Reflections on Research and the Future of Medicine (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967), pp. 83-99. See also G. Pickering, High Blood Pressure (London: Churchill, 1968).

25. N. Cousins, Anatomy of an Illness (New York: W. W. Norton, 1973).

26. Dukes, 'The Seven Pillars of Foolishness'.

27. A. F. Jones (ed.), Richard Asher Talking Sense (London: Pitman, 1972).

28. W. B. Cannon, The Wisdom of the Body (New York: W. W. Norton, 1973).

29. M. Burnet, Genes, Dreams and Realities (Bucks: MTP, 1971).

30. Alex Comfort, The Anxiety Makers (London: Panther, 1968).

31. F. J. Ingelfinger, 'Cancer! Alarm!', New England Journal of Medicine, 1975, 293, pp. 1319-20.

32. R. Greene, 'Duodenal Ulcer', in Sick Doctors (London: William Heinemann, 1956), pp. 726-44.

33. P. D. Vries, quoted by P. Gray in 'How the Sexual Revolution Began: Slouching Towards Kalamazoo', Time, 11 July 1983, p. 58.

34. Arthur Koestler, 'Can Psychiatrists be Trusted?', in The Heel of Achilles: Essays 1968-1973 (London: Picador, 1976).

35. Isaac B. Singer, quoted in 'The Estate', Time, lo April 1978, p. 58.

36. Pickering, High Blood Pressure.

37. I. A. Preston, Coronary Artery Surgery: A Critical Review (New York: Raven Press, 1977).

38. H. T. Hyman, quoted in M. D. Strauss (ed.), Familiar Medical Questions (Boston: Little, Brown, 1968), p. 461 a.

39. Quoted by D. S. Greenberg, 'The Press and Health Care', New England Journal of Medicine, 1977, 297, pp. 231-2.

40. L. H. Smith, Jr., 'Foreword', in M. J. Cline, Cancer Chemotherapy I (Philadelphia and London: W. B. Saunders, 1971), p. v.

41. I. Aird, A Companion in Surgical Studies (Edinburgh: Livingstone, 1968).

42. J. Fry, 'Peptic Ulcer: A Profile', British Medical journal, 1964, 2, pp. 809-12.

43. 'World: Visions of Hell. Pursuing the "Angel of Death" ', Time, 18 February 1985; 'World: A Manhunt Leads to Bones. Brazilian Police Claim to Have Found Josef Mengele's Remains', Time, 17 June 1985, pp. 20-1; 'Friedrich O. Mengele: Non Requiescat in Pace', Time, 24 June 1985, p. 17; 'World: Absolutely No Doubt: Investigators Conclude that the Mengele Mystery has been Solved', Time, 1 July 1985, pp. 22-3

44. A. Koestler, The Call Girls (New York: Dell, 1973).

45. J. R. Harris, and S. Hellman, 'Limited Surgery and Radiation as Primary Local Treatment for Carcinoma of the Breast', in Y. T. De Vita, Jr., S. Hellman, and S. A. Rosenberg (eds.), Important Advances in Oncology, 1985 (Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1985), pp. 243-53.

46. H. Atkins, quoted by W. P. Greening, 'Role of Surgeon on the Management of Breast Cancer', Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 1980, 73, pp. 837-8.

47. Boyd, Pathology for the Physician (Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1967).

48. A. S. Relman, 'The New Medical Industrial Complex', New England Journal of Medicine, 1980, 303, pp. 963-70.

49. H. J. Geiger, New York Times, 9 January 1983. Quoted in 'lo Forces Reshaping America', U.S. News and World Report, 1984.

50. T. Mckeown, The Role of Medicine: Dream, Mirage or Nemesis? (London: Nuffield Provincial Hospital Trust, 1976).

51. J. Bigelow, quoted by A. C. Corcoran, in A Mirror upto Medicine (Philadelphia and New York: J. B. Lippincott, 1961), pp. 4-5.

52. 'Minerva: Views', British Medical Journal, 1984, 281, p. 1461.

53. H. W. Jones, 'Comment on Should the Doctor Tell the Patient that the Disease is Cancer?', by V. A. Gilbertsen and D. H. Wangesteen, Cancer, 1962, 12, p. 82.

54. J. Graham, 'A Time to Live', column in Chicago Daily News and Chicago Sun-Times, 9 July 1977.

55. Jones, Richard Asher Talking Sense.

56. S. O. Hoerr, 'Hoerr's Law', American journal of Surgery, 1962, 103, p. 411.

57. O. W. Holmes, 'The Doctor Speaks to the Theologian', quoted in Corcoran, A Mirror upto Medicine, p. 365.

58. Ibid.

59. W. Boyd, A Textbook of Pathology: Structure and Function in Disease (Philadelphia, 1970).

60. Adolph Portmann, 'Time in the Life of the Organism', in Man and Time (New York: Pantheon, 1957), pp. 308-23.

61. L. Jaroff, 'Medicine: Can Attitudes Affect Cancer?', Time, 24 June 1985, p. 43; Dera Roman, 'Health and Happiness' (letter), Time, 15 July 1985, p. 1.

62. Cover, Science, 22 September 1983, 221.

63. Seeds of Destruction: The Science Report on Cancer Research (New York: Plenum Press, 1975).

64. Jones, Richard Asher Talking Sense.

65. R. D. Iliff, 'The Significance of Statistical Significance', New England Journal of Medicine, 1983, 308, p. 396.

66. Deaver and McFarland, The Breast: Its Anomalies, Its Diseases and Their Treatment (1918), quoted by J. E. Barker, in Cancer: The Surgeon and the Researcher (London: John Murray, 1982), p. 24.

67. D. H. Spodick, 'Revascularization of the Heart - Numerators in Search of Denominators', American Heart Journal, 1971, 81, pp. 149-57.

68. P. Sedgwick, 'Illness - Mental and Otherwise', The Hastings Center Studies, 1973, I, p. 37.

69. Cousins, Anatomy of an Illness.

70. T. P. Whitehead, 'Pros and Cons of Routine Screening', in A. F. Lant (ed.), Advanced Medicine Symposium II (Pitment Medica, 1975), pp. 303-5.

71. Ibid.

72. M. Rang, 'The Ulysses' Syndrome', Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1972, 106, pp. 122-3.

73. 'Invincible Ignorance', Science, 1980, 209, p. 793.

74. R. S. Mendelsohn, Confessions of a Medical Heretic (New York: Warner, 1979), p. 287.

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