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1. Veena Das and Ashis Nandy, 'Violence, Victimhood and the Language of Silence', Contributions to Indian Sociology, 1985, 19, pp. 177-94. Also Ashis Nandy, 'Science, Authoritarianism and Culture: On the Scope and Limits of Isolation Outside the Clinic', in Traditions, Tyranny and Utopias: Eassys in the Politics of Awareness (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1987), pp. 95-126.

2. Ivan Illich, 'The Delinking of Peace and Development', Gandhi Marg, 1981, 3, pp. 257-65.

3. See Dhirendra Sharma, India's Nuclear Estate (New Delhi: Lancers, 1983).

4. For instance, P. N. Haksar et al., 'A Statement on Scientific Temper' (Bombay: Nehru Centre, 1981).

5. See a brief discussion of this in Nandy, 'Science, Authoritarianism and Culture'.

6. On nuclear energy see, for instance, Praful Bidwai, 'Atomic Power on the Run', The Times of India, 13-15 October 1986; and Dhirendra Sharma (ed.), The Indian Atom: Power and Proliferation (New Delhi: Philosophy and Social Action, 1986). On modern agronomy see, for example, the assessments by J. K. Bajaj, 'Green Revolution: A Historical Perspective', PPST Bulletin, 198a, 2, pp. 87-112; and Claude Alvares, 'The Great Gene Robbery', The Illustrated Weekly of India, 23 March 1986. On dairy technology see Claude Alvares (ed.), Another Revolution Fails (Delhi: Ajanta, 1984); Shanti George, Operation Flood: An Appraisal of Current Indian Dairy Policy (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1986); and 'Faulty Lactometers', Economic and Political Weekly, 31 May and 7 June 1986, 21, pp. 963-71, 1020-8.

7. See note 6 above. Also see Sharma, India's Nuclear Estate; Ashis Nandy, 'The Bomb', The Illustrated Weekly of India, 4 August 1985; Jatinder K. Bajaj, 'The Bhopal Tragedy: The Responsibility of the Scientific Community', and Sunil Sahasrabudhey, 'Bhopal: Science Must Share the Blame', PPST Bulletin, 1985, 5, pp. 6-14, 25-9; Shiv Visvanathan 'Bhopal: The Imagination of a Disaster', Alternatives, 1986, II, pp. 147-65.

8. Masanobu Fukuoka, Interview with East-West Journal (Brooklyn, Massachussetts), quoted in T. S. Ananthu, 'Towards a New Methodology in Science', paper presented at the National Institute for Science, Technology and Development, New Delhi, 13 January 1986.

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