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Science and technology in the transformation of the world

Table of contents



Edited by
Anouar Abdel-Malek
Gregory Blue
Miroslav Pecujlic

First International Seminar on the Transformation of the World
Belgrade, Yugoslavia, October 1979.


Project on Socio-cultural Development Alternatives in a Changing WORLD (SCA)
Sub-project on the Transformation of the World (TW)

General Editor: Anouar Abdel-Malek, Project Co-ordinator

© The United Nations University, 1982
ISBN 92-808-0339-5

This book was prepared within the framework of the Human and Social Development Programme of the United Nations University. The views expressed are those of the writers and not necessarily those of the United Nations University.

The United Nations University
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Printed in Japan



Opening addresses

Zivorad Kovacevic
Pavle Savic
Miroslav Pecujlic
Kinhide Mushakoji

The gear-box of priorities

Anouar Abdel-Malek

Le nécessaire et le possible dans la formation du mondial (Keynote Address)

Henri Lefebvre

Première Partie: Le Mondial, Esquisse d'une Analyse
Deuxième Partie: L'Informationnel et sa Problématique a l'Echelle Mondiale

Session I: Science and technology as formative factors of contemporary civilization - from domination to liberation

Report on session I
Technology and society

Ralko Tomovic

Paradigmes scientifiques et auto-détermination humaine

Yves Barel

Science and the making of contemporary civilization

J. Leite Lopes

I. The physical image of the world
II. Science and underdevelopment in Latin America
III. Science and dependent development
IV. Endogenization of science in which society?
V. The aims of science
VI. Science for liberation

Session II: Technology generation and transfer - Transformation alternatives

Report on session II
The collective self-reliance of developing countries in the fields of science and technology

Slobodan Ristic

I. General considerations
II. Co-operation among developing countries in developing national potentials
Ill. The strengthening of the negotiating position of developing countries in science and technology
IV. Instead of a conclusion

Science and technology in Japanese history: university and society

Konji Kawano

I. Japan before the second world war
II. The change after the second world war
III. The significance of "the age of local communities''

Legal aspects of the transfer of technology in modern society

Vestry Besarovic

The relevance of the legal order to the transfer of technological knowledge
Some proposed measures on the national and international levels

Philosophy (concepts) of scientific and technological development

Vladimir Slambuk

I. Development and underdevelopment
II. Definition of some basic terms
III. Existing philosophies of scientific-technological development
IV. Self-reliance

Session III: Biology, medicine, and the future of mankind

Report on session III
La maîtrise de la vie: Pour quoi faire?

Bruno Ribes

I. Necessite et enjeux
II. La "logique" du vivant
III. Quoi faire?

Restructuring a framework for assessment of science and technology as a driving power for social development: a biosociological approach

Yuji Mori

I. Introduction - The darwinian and ned-darwinian systems
II. Sociobiology or biosociology? how to view humans and their society
III. Three levels of production and consumption
IV. Needs
V. Science and technology as cultural phenomena
VI. The turning point of social development: space and time

Human aspects of medical sciences: Medical technology and the responsibility of the physician

Ljubisa Rakic

Session IV: The control of space and power

Report on session IV
Toward a clearer definition of the role of science and technology in transformation

Osama A. El-Kholy

I. A view of the problem from within
II. The view from without
III. Toward a clearer definition of the role of science and technology in transformation
Appendix I. A systematic approach to the definition of the role of s e t in transformation
Appendix II. Relation between mathematical and non-quantifiable experiences (for achieving consistency between model s e t requirements)
Appendix III. Analysis of the relative importance of factors relating to s e t (from questionnaire to scenario-writing)

Science, technology, and politics in a changing world

José A. Silva Michelena

I. What kind of transformation?
II. The nature of the crisis
III. World political trends
IV. The role of science and technology
V. A proposition

The technology of repression and repressive technology: The social bearers and cultural consequences

Zoran Vidakovic

I. The vicious circle of repressive technology
II. The main social figures of repressive technology
III. Militarization of the economy and science: the birthplace of the metropolitan technocracy
IV. The genesis of the "technocratic elite" in dependent societies

Nuclear energy in Latin America: The Brazilian case

Luiz Pinguelli Rosa

I. The Brazilian nuclear programme and the treaty with the federal Republic of Germany
II. Perspectives on nuclear energy in Brazil
III. Nuclear energy and the prestige of national power
IV. The possibility of latin american nuclear co-operation
V. The position of brazil regarding nuclear proliferation

Session V: From intellectual dependence to creativity

Report on session V


La apropiación y la recuperación de las ciencias sociales en el contexto de los proyectos culturales endógenos

Guillermo Bonfil Batalla

I. El problema de la creatividad endógena en ciencias sociales.
II. Conocimiento social, ciencia e ideología
III. La formación de una intelectualidad India contemporánea.
IV. Notas para un proyecto de desarrollo endógeno de las ciencias sociales.

On the edge of a razor blade: the new historical blocs and socio-cultural alternatives in Europe

Miroslav Pecuilic and Zoran Vidakovic

I. The new janus - Two faces of science and technology
II. The pathology of power and science
III. The new protagonist - social movements and organic intelligentsia
IV. Dramatic birth of alternatives
V. Self-reliance and solidarity (autonomy and new universality)

Science and technology in the history of modern Japan: imitation or endogenous creativity?

Tetsuro Nakaoka


Science and technology as an organic part of contemporary culture

Zvonimir Damjanovic

Joseph Needham's contribution to the history of science and technology in China

Gregory Blue


General report on the seminar

Appendix: Position papers


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