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Notes on contributors

James M. Anthony received his Ph.D. in Pacific History and Politics from the Australian National University. He has published widely on a range of policy issues related to Fiji and the Pacific. He is presently Director of the Pacific Researeh and Information Network located in Honolulu.

Yoko Kitazawa is a free-lance journalist specializing in Japanese Asian affairs. She is a frequent contributor to major Japanese newspapers, including the Asahi Shimbun, and is on the editorial board of the journal AMPO.

Lim Teck Ghee is a Professor in the Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Malaya. He has written extensively on the socioeconomic history and development of Malaysia and South-East Asia. His recent publications include Agrarian Transformations: Local Processes and the State in Southeast Asia (agog) and Peflections on Development in Southeast Asia (1988).

Eduardo C. Tadem is currently an Assistant Professor of Development Studies at the University of the Philippines, Manila. His most recent publications are 'Ethnic Self-Determination and Separatist Movements in Southeast Asia' (with Teresa S. Encarnacion) and 'The Aquino Government under Siege' (both 1989)

Mark J. Valencia is a Researeh Associate and Project Leader in Marine Resources and Development at the Resource Systems Institute, East-West Center, Honolulu. His interests and expertise centre on marine affairs and international relations in South-East Asia, East Asia, and the Pacific. His recent books include Offshore NorthEast Asia (1989), Southeast Asian Seas: Oil under Troubled Waters (1985), and Marine Policy in Southeast Asia (1985).

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