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This book arose out of a conference organized and supported by the United Nations University (UNU) project on 'Peace and Global Transformation' in 1985 which brought researehers from the South-East Asian and Pacific regions together to discuss the problem of conflict over natural resources and its interlinkage with various aspects of the contemporary crisis in economic and social development.

We would like to acknowledge the assistance and encouragement given by Professor K. Mushakogi, Dr J. Golebiowski, and Dr T. Uchida from the UNU staff and Professor R. Kothari and Dr G. Deshingkar from the Peace and Global Transformation project of the UNU. We are also grateful to our respective institutions, Universiti Sains Malaysia (Penang) and the University of Malaya (Kuala Lumpur) in the case of Lim and the East-West Center in the case of Valencia, for supporting our involvement in the project and its output.
We would like to thank Dennis Lau for kindly giving us permission to use his photographs for the cover.

Kuala Lurnpur and Honolulu
July 1989


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